Friday, January 30, 2009
S1 Ep 7: Burning House of Love
AIR DATE: October 19, 2008
As this episode begins, Bill and Sookie are still making love by the fire as he continues to drink from her. When they finish, they take a bath. Sookie is surprised to see his reflection in a mirror. He clarifies some of the folklore about vampires, such as holy water being just water, having a reflection proves that they are real and crosses are just geometry. Sookie thinks on their consummation and says she never thought she would be able to have sex with anyone. Bill is not only flattered, but honored that she chose him.
Sookie than has a vision of her childhood, about Uncle Bartlett and how he abused her. She told Gran about what he did and she ran him off to never speak to him again. After the most perfect moment in her life, she hates the fact that she can't help but think about him. Bill pulls her close, telling her to think about what ever she wants and that she is safe with him.
Lafayette starts to strips for his Web cam show as Jason comes in, seeing what’s going on, tells him to put on the breaks. He has come by, hoping to get more V. He offers to pay Lafayette what ever and even dance for his website again. Lafayette becomes angry, telling him no and critizes him for telling Tara where he got it in the first place. He tells Jason to leave. Jason asks him what he's going to do, call the police? He goes for Lafayette's stash and Lafayette grabs him and throws him out, as Jason asks where he can get V and Lafayette tells him to go to the morgue as that is where he will end up.
Bill shows Sookie his hidden resting place, under the house. She asks if anyone ever gets in there with him. He turns to her, concerned, saying that this is not a place for her. Deeply thoughtful, Sookie remarks that they can never sleep beside each other as Bill climbs down into dark. Before shutting the door, he says that no one else knows where he rests. As the sun rises, Sookie makes her way home, dressed in one of Bill’s shirts.
Tara helps her mom figure out how to dodge bills. Coming in with her coffee spiked, Lettie Mae asks for $445 to exorcise her demon, which also told her to drink all the booze in the house that day because it doesn’t want her to get clean. Tara tells her she needs to go to AA and Lettie Mae says they’re nothing but a cult. Tara tries to take the coffee from her and when it spills, her mom sucks the booze from her clothes and skin. Tara looks on in complete repulsion.
Sookie returns home to find Jason trying to take a bag of Gran’s possessions as well as two silver candle sticks which were given to her as a wedding present. Jason says he’s only taking half of what’s his and refuses to tell her why. He takes a good look at her seeing the bites marks and belittles her for her actions. Saying she saved it (her virginity) all these years to waste it on a fucking vampire. Sookie insists that Bill is a gentleman and would never hurt her, which is more than she can say for Jason. He says he tried to apologize for hitting her and that she wouldn’t let him. He than tries to leave as Sookie grabs the bag he's carrying and jewelry falls onto the floor. She looks at him as he leaves with just the candlesticks.
Tara goes by to see Sam and the friendly dog is outside. He is getting angry at the repairs he has to make on his trailer and about how she left him in that seedy motel. He expresses that she's not very good at being in a relationship. She says that she hasn't had much practice. "Maybe I'm un-boyfriendable." He's trying to fix something and she tells him needs a certain kind of screwdriver. He asks how she knows and she remarks, “No daddy and a drunk mom. All the fixin' fell to me.” At that point she gets a phone call and leaves.
Her mother is at the bank, trying to get a loan for an exorcism. She tries everything to get the money. When sexual advances and sitting in the manager's lap do not work in her favor, she accuses him of being prejudiced against her because she's a Christian. Tara comes to get her. Her mom screams that she can't take the demon inside her much longer. Breaking down in front of everyone at the bank. She takes her home. As her mother goes to lay down, Tara takes some money out from under the sink and begins counting it. That night at Merlotte's, the crowds are noisy and Sookie is working. She wears a scarf around her neck to hid the marks that Bill left and she is in a harmonious state of mind.
Terry Bellefleur informs Sam that Tara called and says she's not coming into work that night. Jason's one-nighter, Randi Sue calls him and tries to get him to come to the bar, but he says that he’s heading to Shreveport to the vampire bar. She than reprimands him for low moral character and hangs up the phone.
Sam sees Lafayette starting to fume at the rednecks who refused to eat his food earlier, come back in to Merlotte’s. Sam tells him that he is paying him to cook, not beat on customers. He relents, wanting a raise for this. Lafayette does get his revenge by cooking a spoon over the burner and putting it in their soup.
Arlene can tell something is different about Sookie. She guesses what has happened, but hopes it was with Sam and not Bill. Sookie says it was Bill and she thinks she might be in love with him. She asks Arlene not to tell anyone and Arlene immediately tells her husband Rene and hopes Sookie doesn't get pregnant. How will she nurse a baby with fangs? Sam overhears this and loses his cool. He goes and rips the scarf from Sookie’s neck, exposing the marks and expressing his strong disapproval in front of the whole bar. She screams that what she does in her own time in no concern of their and walks away.
Jason’s search for more V juice leads him to Fangtasia. At the front door, Pam discovers that he is Sookie's brother and glamours him to find out his intentions and he says the reason he's there is to get vampire blood. She allows him to go inside, telling him good luck getting out.
A wheelchair bound Uncle Bartlett takes out his trash. As he is coming back up to the house, he sees Bill waiting for him. He worriedly admits that he doesn’t have any cash in the house. Bill replies that he's not there for money but for Sookie, and bites him.
Tara and her mother are walking the back roads, on their way to meet Ms. Jeannette in the woods for her exorcism. Tara gives her the cash. They head into Ms. Jeannette's trailer where all sorts of voodoo and talismans hang. She tells Tara's mom to take off her clothes and for Tara to sit and be still. Jeanette places various stones and rock all over Lettie Mae’s body and begins the ritual.
Sookie raves about her night with Bill to Lafayette, who says he was always too scared to let them bite him and that when there's blood involved, a line been crossed. She happily exclaims that a definitely crossed a line and glad she did. He congratulates her for that, but calls her a skank under his breath as she walks away.
At Fangtasia, Jason tries unsuccessfully to get vampire blood from Longshadow. But a girl named Amy overhears all of this and steps in to save him. Posing as his girlfriend, she drags him away to a table and implies that she has what he’s looking for. Than suggests he keep quiet or he’ll get them killed. They both leave the bar together.
At Merlotte’s, the three cruel vampires Diane, Liam, and Malcolm come in and are looking to start trouble. Sam tells them to leave, saying it's locals only. Malcolm sees Sookie and notices that she has given up the goods. (Letting Bill feed from her). Malcolm than tries to take her and she cuts him off saying, “Don't you think for one second I would ever have anything to do with you! I am sure you were trash while you were alive and now you're just dead trash!” He replies that he is going to drain her so slowly, she will beg him to kill her. The patrons try to stand up to them. With Sam going as far to snap a pool cue into a makeshift stake. But the vampires are too strong.
Bill, disposing of her uncle's body in a backwoods lake, sense Sookie’s distress and heads for the bar.
Terry tries to help, but Liam knocks him out. Just as Sam and Sookie are about to be bitten, Bill appears in the door, telling the other vampires to stop. They are there for him, not the locals. They want him to join their nest. He agrees to go with them. Sookie says he's better than them, but he stares at her and says he's not human, he's a vampire.
Jason and Amy, are at a gas station talking, while he's anxious to get more V. They both decide to go to his house and peel out into the night.
Tara watches as Ms. Jeannette performs the exorsism on her mother. Tara's not taking it seriously, but Ms. J says she needs to. She has an opossum on standby for the demon to flee to. She starts humming and banging a drum as she chants. Tara watches as mom starts breathing heavily and heaving. When her mom is silent the opossum starts screeching in its cage. Ms. J picks it up and dunks it in a tub of water, drowning it.
The rednecks plan to go to the vampire's house and get rid them once and for all. Sookie wants Sam to stop them, but he says he doesn't care what happens to them. Sookie says Bill only went with them to get them away from the bar.
Back at his house, Amy is going on and on about the earth and Jason just wants to do the V. She slowly takes the stuff out, preparing it with aspirin for a fuller effect. She calls it nature's greatest gift. She grinds the blood on aspirin into a powder and puts it on a tray like its cocaine. She prays over it, honoring the earth. Jason plays along to get high. She snorts a line. Then Jason.They hear birds chirping and everything goes out of focus. She kisses him.
Sookie calls Bill and leaves a message, warning him that a lynch mob that is their way to the vampire’s nest.
In his bedroom Jason begins to fantasize as Amy joins him in bed. They appear to have slow, pleasurable sex, where each touch seems to send glowing sparks, like fire between them.
Tara is furious, exclaiming that she just spent four hundred dollars to watch Jeanette drown a opossum. Ms. Jeannette tells Lettie Mae her demon is gone, but they now have to do something about Tara. She's not buying it, but Ms. Jeannette asks about her life. Does she have many friends, trouble keeping a job, her own place. She tells Tara to find her when she's ready.
Sookie comes to Bill's house. She looks for him in his hidden resting place. He's not there. She sits and waits.
At daybreak, the lynch mob arrives at the nest and armed with Molotov cocktails. They surround the house and toss their bottles through the windows, setting the house on fire. One of them ignites his arm and his buddy puts him out as the house burns. They run away as the building goes up in flames, with the vampires screaming inside.
In the early morning, Andy and Terry Bellefleur are fishing in the swaps and talking about when they used to this as kids. Terry sees something in the woods and signals for Andy to be quiet. Stunned, they both watch as Sam Merlotte runs naked just inside the trees. Andy wonders where he is going and Terry just sits back, saying he’s done that before. Andy gets a call and not happy at the news.
Sookie wakes up at Bill's. Looking around, everything is quiet as she goes to the closet that conceals his resting place. He is not there as the door is still wide open. She hears sirens in the distance and runs from the house.
At the vampire’s nest, the house is in smoking ruins as the police pull four coffins from the building. Many voice their opinions about what and/or who may have done this. Many are happy that someone took action. Sookie arrives moments later, wondering if Bill was in the house.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
S1 Ep 6: Cold Ground
AIR DATE: October 12, 2008
Sookie stands over Gran's body in Shock of what she sees, Sookie tries to scream but is unable to do so and she falls to her knees. a hand grabs Sookies shoulder and pulls her up to turn her around, it's Bill. He comforts her when the sound of someone coming up to the house grabs their attention. Thinking it is the killer Bill lunges towards the person and grabs them by the neck with his fangs showing, realizing it is only Sam he lets go and asks what he is doing there. Sam notices blood on Sookie asks what has happened.
Arriving at the scene are Bud, Andy, and Mike Spencer the coroner. While they investigate Sam goes to sit with Sookie in the living room, she hears what everyone is thinking in the kitchen and asks to go outside to sit on the porch. Sookie asks if Sam could find out where Bill is. He approaches Bill up in Sookies room and makes it known that if anything happens to Sookie he will be sharpening a stake with his name on it. When Bill goes downstairs Bud and Andy ask him a few more questions. Bill explains to them that does not feel whoever killed Gran was actually after Sookie. He exits to the porch to console Sookie as the coroner take the body outside. Although Bud tells Sookie she should spend the night somewhere else, she refuses and starts to clean up.
The next day, everyone comes bearing food to pay their respects to Sookie for her loss. Attempting to be nice and proper, Sookie looses it when Maxine Fortenberry touches Gran's pie that was in the fridge. Everyone stops and stares at Sookie and she hears every ones thoughts towards her. Tara and Lafayette take Sookie upstairs to get her away from everyone. They console her and tell her that everything she is feeling is normal and not to worry about all the people in the house, Lafayette also give Sookie a valium just in case she needs to relax later.
Jason, not aware of what has happened to his Gran, arrives to work where he is told by Rene and Hoyt. He then races over to the house and kicks open Sookie's door screaming at her in anger then slapped her across the face. Tara then yells at him and pushes him out of the room. Sookie then takes the valium so she can escape from everything. Jason starts to leave when Andy tries to question him about his whereabouts the night before. Angry and upset of being accused of being the one who killed his Gran, Jason pushes Andy so hard he flies into the door of Jason's truck and falls to the ground. The people inside the house witness this and watch Jason speed off.
Tara kicks everyone out of the house so as to give Sookie the peace and quiet that she needs to rest then she and Lafayette begin to clean up after everything. Bill awakes from his slumber early awaiting the nightfall so he can make sure Sookie is ok after having a dream. He bolts across from his house to Sookie's only to find her well and asleep. Although relieved that she is ok, he stands guard outside with a bottle of True Blood to make sure nothing happens to her while she sleeps.
The next morning is Gran's funeral. Being shaken up to see that her Uncle Bartlett, who's presence is most unwelcome, she attempts to read her eulogy. As she starts, she is distracted by all of the town's people's nasty and unkind thoughts of her and her family, angry and upset she screams to all to shut the F... up then runs off into the cemetery. As the priest asks if there is anyone else who would like to speak Lettie Mae, Tara's mother, walks up to do so unable to be stopped by Tara. After doing so, she begs Tara for money for an exorcism that she herself believes she needs.
After every one is gone from the cemetery, Sookie stands to watch her Gran be lowered into the ground being joined by Sam who then walks her home. She asks to be alone and Sam leaves walking down the drive bumping into Tara which then leads to them leaving together to where Tara is currently staying. Distraught and crying, Sookie finishes off Gran's pecan pie. Afterwards, she changes into a nightgown and awaits for dusk. She runs towards Bill's house, as he meets her they embrace in a kiss and he carries her inside. Next to a romantic setting by the fireplace, Sookie makes love for the first time to Bill and asks him to bite her.
Katie Ausiello: This summer, which means season 2 will air roughly eight months after the conclusion of season 1 -- a lightning fast turnaround by cable standards. "Alan Ball is a very fast writer," explains an HBO source. In other True Blood news, I caught up with Sam Trammell (Sam) at the Globes and he teased that his new love interest (played by The Bold and The Beautiful's Ashley Jones) is up to no good. "I don't know the whole storyline, but I've read the first three episodes, and it's going to be really twisted and dark and exciting. She's got some serious secrets and questionable intentions."
"Jason goes into the Fellowship of the Sun church in a big way and is surprised by what he finds there. There's a new creature in town that is unlike any other. Nobody knows what this creature is, I’m not sure if it will be entirely explained in the show -- it’s not a werewolf. There are new romances for Tara, Jason and Sara. Bill and Sookie have a lot of issues to sort out -- including having made a new teenage vampire that’s living in their house. Bill and Sookie also go to Dallas to find one of their own who has gone missing."
Story Line: Jason's promotion to soldier is not without strings, and while in Texas with Bill and Jessica, Sookie discovers that she's not the only one who can read minds...
Young Man/Travis: 21 years old and very handsome in his hotel bathrobe, he is Jessica's polite, barely legal "room service" (B negative blood)...
Chauffeur: 50ish, very handsome, well-groomed and surprisingly country, he picks up Jessica and Bill's travel coffins to take to the airport.
Bellboy/Barry: This uniformed, 19-year-old bellboy at a Texas hotel brings Sookie and Jessica room service (a handsome guy to feed off of). To Sookie's surprise, Barry can read her mind, and he grows increasingly freaked out as they communicate silently.
Desk Clerk: This sleek, female, European desk clerk at a Texas hotel prepares a room for Sookie, Jessica and Bill according to their specifications.
Driver: 30 to 45, this suspiciously pushy driver, whose thoughts are violent and dark, is sent by Fellowship of the Sun to abduct Sookie when she arrives at the airport. Instead, he is glamored (hypnotized) by Bill and Jessica, and experiences a wide spectrum of emotions and outbursts, from fear, to relief, to embarrassment as his will is usurped and his behavior is dictated. He is ultimately released to return to his superiors and tell them that Sookie "never showed up" (which is what he now believes)...
(Spoiler TV)
Dr. Ludwig: A female LITTLE PERSON, she is a no-nonsense, take-charge medical healer who tends to a severely wounded Sookie. Clearly disdainful of Eric, Dr. Ludwig is “no fan of the fang,” but tolerates vampires as their blood is of great value to her profession.
Lindsey: 20s. Seen topless, she is a fun-loving drunken sorority girl who puts the moves on Eggs.
Missy: Missy is a “recovering fangbanger” in her 20s, with roots growing out of her once Goth dye-job. Her neck is covered with vampire bite scars.
(Spoiler TV)
Anchor: Seen on TV, this female anchor discusses Mrs. Hamby’s latest plea.
Large Woman: This large woman is insulted by Eric’s derisive remarks but quickly scurries away when she sees his fangs.
Sales Woman 1: 40 years old, flirtatious, and hot for vampires, she suggestively offers to model some clothing for Bill in the dressing room.
Sales Woman 2: This saleswoman is thrown by Bill’s request for “proper” clothing.
Eden: 9 years old, she is Jessica’s awkward sister.
Mr. Hamby: Late 40s - early 50s, stoic and intimidating.
Mrs. Hamby: 40 - 50, Jessica’s grief-stricken and tearful mother, she appears on the news begging for information on Jessica’s whereabouts. Mrs. Hamby is an uncertain woman who completely submits to her husband’s decisions and can’t make a move without consulting him.
Amanda: 18-23. This pretty, young, flirty and devoutly Christian girl hands out “honesty rings” at the Rising Sun Leadership Conference. Amanda fronts an all-female Christian rock band “that combines Courtney Love’s rock and roll aesthetic, Katy Perry’s teen sensibility, and Hilary Duff’s squeaky-clean sex appeal.” She and her band sing a song about abstinence that has all the boys in the audience mesmerized and lusting.
Dirk: 25 years old, enthusiastic, he’s a red-blooded American male who hates vampires.
(Spoiler TV)
Luke: A BIG HANDSOME, BEAR OF A GUY, around 25ish. All the energy Jason has spent in his life getting girls, Luke has spent in the service of God. And growing. And being insanely competitive. Southern, Texan. no nudity required, although the guys at the church camp do spend time in their underwear
Daphne: Late 20s / early 30s - Daphne is sexy and down to earth, a real country girl, not the greatest waitress, but Sam Merlotte couldn't care less, once he gets to know her better. Common sense, no-nonsense, funny, definitely not neurotic. Nudity is preferable in this role.
Sarah Newlin: Late 20s - bright, pretty, cheerful wife of Fellowship of the Sun head Minister Steve Newlin, Sarah is an example of the new “hip” evangelical movement, hates vampires with a passion, deeply believes in her mission, her marriage, her country and her church. very feminine, but down-to-earth, also with a healthy appetite for life’s many pleasures… as she sees it, it’s all part of God’s gift to us. No actual nudity, but implied.
News Anchor: Via satellite, this female news anchor in D.C. interviews Steve Newlin and Nan Flanagan, who exchange their explosively opposite views on the air.
Vonetta: Coralee’s friend, this bar patron in her 30s gossips avidly about the recent murder — right up until Terry throws her off the premises.
Coralee: This bar patron in her 30s is questioned by Andy about the recent murder. She’s gossiping about the death with her friend Vonetta when the angry Terry throws them out of the bar.
Shawnelle: “Trouble on legs,” this sexy barfly in her 20s propositions Jason, and when that fails, tries to work her wiles on his companion, Hoyt. She’s a real siren, out for a good time.
Sid Matt Lancaster: This small, fatherly-looking man in his 60s is the Stackhouse family lawyer, who arrives at Sookie’s house unexpectedly. Obviously distraught, he’s sad to be the bearer of bad news.
(Spoiler TV)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
True Blood is coming to the UK!!!!!
Channel 4 has acquired UK rights for two dramas from US cable network HBO, True Blood and Generation Kill.
True Blood, a 12-part series starring Anna Paquin and British actor Stephen Moyer, is set in the not-too-distant future when vampires can survive on synthetic rather than human blood. Paquin recently won best drama actress in the Golden Globes for her performance in the series.
The creator and executive producer of True Blood is Alan Ball, who created Six Feet Under, while the story is based on the novels of Charlaine Harris.
Channel 4 has also acquired the UK terrestrial rights for Generation Kill, the latest project from David Simon, the creator of The Wire. Generation Kill, which had its UK TV premiere on digital channel FX on Sunday, is a seven-part miniseries from HBO Films that tells the story of the first 40 days of the 2003 Iraq war through the eyes of a group of young US marines. The drama is based on a book by Rolling Stone reporter Evan Wright, who was embedded with a US marine unit during the second Iraq war.
The Channel 4 head of acquisitions, Gill Hay, said both series would find a "natural home" on Channel 4. "We are thrilled to bring more fresh, imaginative and bold US drama to Channel 4 audiences," Hay added.
"True Blood and Generation Kill are examples of HBO programming at its thought-provoking and challenging best."
Both programmes will be broadcast on Channel 4 later in 2009.
Caitlin Fitzsimmons, Tuesday 27 January 2009 16.11 GMT

2008 Golden Globes
Here are some pics and videos showing the coverage of the Golden Globes.

Ryan Kwanten on the red carpet.
She really got on my nerves!!! Poor Ryan....
Stephen Moyer on the Red Carpet with Joey Fatone
Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin on the Red carpet
Anna Paquin winning the Golden Globe and then the E after party with she and a few of her co-workers including Stephen Moyer, Sam Trammell,Rutina Wesley, and Nelsan Ellis.........
Anna Paquin interview after winning with Madison Michele.....
Anna Paquin interview after winning by the press.........
Season 2 Filming Pics........
Friday, January 23, 2009
S1 Ep 5: Sparks Fly Out
AIR DATE: October 5, 2008
Bill takes Sookie home after her visit to Fangtasia. She is very angry with him for how he dealt with the police officer. He reminds her that he didn't hurt the cop and that vampires had a difficult relationship with law enforcement for many years. She tells him he didn't do worse only because she was with him. She accuses him of sucking the blood from the cop and tossing him aside like an old chicken bone if he had been alone with him. Sookie tells Bill her world had been safe before he came along and that safe sounds pretty good right about now. Bill tells her he won't call on her again. The dog watches the couple from the bushes.
Tara goes to Lafayette and yells at him for selling "V". Lafayette wants to know if Tara is upset about him selling vampire blood or if she is upset about him selling it to Jason Stackhouse. She tells him selling "V" to Jason is like giving Ho-Ho's to a diabetic, that he can’t control himself. She tells Lafayette Jason had to have a needle the size of an ice pick drain him... twice. Lafayette tells her he will check on Jason in the morning.
Bill has agreed to speak at Gran's "Descendants of the Glorious Dead" meeting and some residents of the parish don't want him to speak at the meeting. Gran gets a phone call telling her that she is going to go in hell for bringing a vampire to speak at the meeting. As Sookie comes in, Gran calmly tells the caller "same to you" and hangs up. When Sookie remarks on the early morning phone calls Gran tells her that people are just excited of Bill speaking at the meeting and everyone seeing the town vampire. Sookie confides in Gran about her confusion and feelings for Bill. Gran tells her that its scary opening up ones heart and if she had an opportunity to get to know someone who had experienced the world differently she would see it as a blessing. The phone rings again and Gran tells her the machine will pick it up.
Jason shoves a meat thermometer through the end of a sausage link to demonstrate to Lafayette what he went through at the hospital. Jason tells Lafayette he doesn't know how he will ever look Tara in the face again. Lafayette blows off the comment telling Jason that Tara has been in love with him since she was 8. Jason seems completely surprised and continues to complain about his life. Lafayette tells him, "Don't blame the Ferrari cuz yer ass can’t drive!" He goes on to tell Jason that he needs to learn how to ride the high. He offers to teach Jason how to take the "V" juice properly. Lafayette gives Jason one drop of "V" juice so he doesn't overdose.
Sookie and Arlene are discussing Bill during their work shift. Sookie tells Arlene that she isn't seeing Bill anymore. Sam, seeing his chance approaches Sookie when he hears she isn't with Bill and asks her for a date. He wants to escort her to the "Descendants" meeting that Bill will be speaking at. The other patrons of Merlotte's pay more attention to Sam and Sookie than their meals while they wait for her answer. She agrees to go with him. Andy Bellefleur asks Sookie about Jason and Tara's relationship. Sookie tells Andy there if there was any proof to the relationship, she would know about it. Andy begins having thoughts about Tara's lying to the police to alibi Jason and Sookie hears him. She makes a hasty retreat from Andy.
Sookie finds Tara in the bathroom and confronts her about the Tara & Jason rumor. Tara heatedly wants to know about Sookie's date with Sam. Tara makes sure her thoughts are nothing but "lalalala" in her head and runs out of the bathroom. Sookie goes back to Andy and tries to cover Tara's lie. Andy thinks that Sookie is lying and Sookie tells Andy to be man enough to accuse her of lying out loud. She tells him that she can hear him thinking whether he looks at her or not. She sarcastically tells him he doesn't have many ideas anyway it is more like mice in a cage in his head.
At the church, before the meeting begins Hoyt's mother Maxine is trying to remove the cross in the church. Hoyt wants to know what she is doing and she tells him she wants to move the cross. She is worried that Bill the vampire will come into the church and burn up if he sees the cross. The mayor is concerned that enough precautions haven't been taken to ensure the parish' safety from Bill. Gran assures him that Bill is a gentlemen and she is more worried about what the residents of the parish may do to him. Sam and Sookie join Tara in the pew for the meeting. Jason comes to the meeting high from "V" juice and sits next to Tara. Gran introduces Bill to the parish. She reminds everyone that Bill helped build the town and is one of them. Maxine had placed a flag over the cross and Bill removes the flag. He hangs the flag back up and tells everyone that he can stand before a cross, in a church, with a bible. He tells the group that vampires are not minions of the Devil. He speaks of his belief that vampires can co-exist and even thrive together with humans. One of the elder church members asks if he knew his great-grandfather, Tolliver Humphries and Bill acknowledges that he did and tells the story of what happened to him.
As the meeting comes to an end Mayor Norris presents Bill with a photo of his human wife and children. Bill is caught with emotion and tears up. As stands he stand back at the podium, he hides the tears in a handkerchief because the tears are bloodstained and he doesn't want to startle anyone.
Bill approaches Sam and Sookie as everyone heads out of the church. Bill reminds Sam that he is Sookie's boss. Sam puts his arm around Sookie possessively and escorts her out for coffee.
Jason is in Merlotte's high on the "V" with Rene and Hoyt. He tries to profess love for Tara and she realizes he is under the influence. Jason tries to tell her that he has been blinded by the bull but it's been her all along. She tells Jason to come to her when he is sober so they can talk serious. Hoyt remarks that he may want to try Tru Blood after hearing Bill speak at the church. Rene tells him that he goes to the dog races but doesn't eat Alpo.
A couple of drunken rednecks send a burger back to the kitchen. Arlene tells Lafayette the rednecks referred to his cooking as being infected with AIDS. Lafayette removes his earrings and apron. He picks up the plate and heads to the redneck's table. A redneck runs his mouth and Lafayette licks the burger's bun then slams it into the man's chest. His two friends try to jump in and Lafayette slaps them all around. He tells the redneck, "Bitch you come in my house you gonna eat my food the way I fucking make it. Do you understand me?!" He turns to walk away and tells the redneck trio to tip their waitress.
Over coffee and pie, Sam and Sookie discuss mundane things. Outside, Sam kisses Sookie and she hesitates. She tells him she can't jump from kissing one man to the next. He is upset as he realizes that she kissed Bill. She tells him it's none of his business. He tells Sookie that she has no future with the vampire. She remarks that he can't die so she has nothing but a future with one. Sam tells her there is nothing he will not do to keep the vampire from hurting her. He tells her he should take her home but she rejects him. She tells him she is going to take a cab.
Bud and Andy go to Bill's to talk about Dawn’s murder. Bill invites them inside and is a most gracious host. He tells Bud and Andy that a vampire could not have killed Dawn or Maudette. He tells them if a vampire had done it the women would have been drained of their blood.
Andy and Bud leave. Bill's thoughts are drawn to his past, while he is holding an old fashioned toaster and he remembers when he was turned into a vampire. He was a hurt soldier looking for assistance. He stumbles upon a cabin with a woman inside, Lorena (Mariana Klaveno). She gives him food and water. When her persuasions fail, she attacks him when he tries to leave. She drinks his blood and offers him a choice to die or become one. He chooses to live and becomes a vampire. Sometime later, she takes Bill back for one last look at his family. She tells him they are good as dead if they are found harboring a vampire and that it is time to leave. Back in the present, Bill become furious, wrecking the fire place with the toaster.
Sookie's cab pulls into the driveway. She enters her home and feels that something is not right. She goes to the kitchen and slips in blood. Turning on the lights, she sees her Gran's body lying on the kitchen floor, covered in blood. She stands in utter disbelief at the sight
S1 Ep4: Escape From Dragon House
AIR DATE: September 28, 2008
Sookie is staring at Dawn's body, screaming for help. Jason appears in the doorway behind her holding flowers and bottle of beer as a peace offering for his fight the night before with Dawn. Jason tries to calm and comfort Sookie and the siblings are interrupted by the arrival of neighbor Faye LeFebvre. She is drawn to Dawn's home by the screams and the noise. She is the neighbor who was awakened the night before by Dawn and Jason's fight. She immediately believes that Jason is the one who murdered Dawn.
Sheriff Bud Dearborne and Detective Andy Bellefleur arrive to the process the scene and interview Faye, Jason and Sookie. Sookie is distracted and the thoughts of everyone else are running through her head. Andy is expressing resentment over everyone's respect of Bud by referring to him as sheriff. He himself is referred to as simply Andy even though he has the title of detective. Jason is concerned that after he was released from Maudette's murder that he will not be released for the suspicion of this one. Andy handcuffs Jason and tosses him into the backseat of his cruiser. He ignores Jason's demands for air conditioning or the window being rolled down. Jason panics realizing he has a vial of vampire blood in his pocket. He quickly drinks the blood and hides the empty vial in the seat cushions.
A crowd has gathered outside Dawn's home. Watching the crime scene seems to be a spectator sport for the residents of the parish. Arlene and Rene stand watch over the scene while Hoyt and his mother arrive to join them.
Sam is apparently Dawn's landlord as well as her employer and he arrives with keys to allow the police into her storage unit. The coroner introduces Sookie to his new assistant while they bring Dawn's body out to the van.
Jason is being questioned by Bud and Andy but is distracted by the effects of the V Juice. He escapes to the bathroom with an uncontrollable arousal. He loudly tries to take matters into his own hands. Bud and Andy are drawn to the bathroom by Jason's shouts and try to get in the bathroom. Tara angrily arrives at the police station and informs everyone that Jason was with her the night before. Given his alibi Jason is released.
Jason is at home trying to take care of his erection and unable to find release. He goes to Lafayette at Merlotte's for a solution but Lafayette doesn't have any answer for him.
Sookie is unaware of Jason's release and is trying to listen to everyone's thoughts at Merlotte's. Gran had advised Sookie to listen in and try to find out who really is killing the ladies of the parish. Tara warns Sam not to say anything about their night together because she provided Jason with his alibi.
Bill visits Sookie during her shift at Merlotte's and she asks him to take her to Fangtasia, the vampire run bar in Shreveport. He is seated in Arlene's section and she shows her vampire prejudice by telling Bill they are out of his preferred blood. She tells Tara to give her the blood cold and not to heat it in the microwave. Sookie tells Arlene Bills prefers O blood and that she will serve him. Bill reluctantly agrees to escort her there. She primly tells him that she is asking him as a friend and it is not a date. Bill looks over her attire when he picks her up and decides she looks like vampire bait. She asks if that means that he likes the way she looks he reminds her that it is not a date.
Tara goes to the walk-in cooler and finds Jason sitting in the corner covering himself with raw meat. She tells him to show her stating that he isn't the first case of priapism in the world. He removes the steak and she is shocked by the sight of Jason's groin area. She rushes him to the hospital.
Sookie enters Fangtasia and there is a glimpse of the new coroner's assistant in the bar. He notices Sookie with Bill and leaves the bar. The bartender, Longshadow, admits that both Dawn and Maudette have been in the bar but does not elaborate.
The doctor tells Jason the only way to relieve the erection is to drain the blood from the area with a large needle. Tara chooses that moment to make her exit only to have Jason beg her to stay. She tells him she admits to wondering about some medical stuff but she isn't that f-ing curious. He begs and she goes to him and holds his hand. She tells him she will never be the same after this.
Arlene asks Sam to walk her to her car. She tells him she hates to ask. Sam tells her not to hate to ask with what has been happening to the women in the parish. He turns off the light to follow her. A picture of Sam and Dawn hugging is seen above the bar.
A blonde, Norse/Viking vampire, sits on a throne in the bar. Bill tells Sookie his name is Eric (Alexander Skarsgård), and he is the oldest thing in the bar. His second-in-command, a vampire named Pam (Kristin Bauer), looks over the pictures with Eric. Eric admits that he has tasted Dawn. He says that Maudette was too pathetic for his attentions. Sookie hears the thoughts of an undercover officer awaiting the arrival of a police raid. She also hears the thoughts of a human male being fed upon by a female vamp in the bathroom. She warns Eric who escapes with Sookie and Bill in tow. He tells Sookie she will come to Fangtasia again. He doesn't make it sound like a question.
Tara is driving Jason home from the hospital and remembers a moment from their past. She flashes back to when she ran to Sookie's home to escape her mother. She banged on the door for refuge and is let in the house by Jason. Tara's mother beats on the door demanding that Tara come out. Lettie tells Jason that Tara took her Captain Morgan bottle. Tara says she poured it out. Jason refuses to let her in, protecting Tara. He threatens to call the police on Tara's mother. He tells her that no Captain Morgan will be waiting on her if she is thrown in jail. Lettie warns Tara that it isn't over yet.
Bill is pulled over by a cop when he is driving Sookie home. Bill glamors, disarms and threatens the officer. He keeps the gun. The officer pisses himself as Bill and Sookie drive away.
Sam goes to Dawn's house. He goes past the crime scene tape wearing gloves and lets himelf in with keys. He enters the bedroom and smells the linens on the bed. He climbs up on the bed smelling the pillows, rolling around in the sheets.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
S1 EP3: Mine
Air Date: September 21, 2008
At Bill’s house, Sookie is standing on the porch. A woman vampire (Diane) and a male vampire (Malcolm) are standing in the doorway, showing their fangs and snarling at Sookie. There's a bald, tattooed vampire (Liam) standing behind Sookie doing the same thing.
Speaking slowly, Malcolm says that she ought to come inside. She surprises them by asking if they're trying to glamour her. When he admits they are, she tells them it doesn't work on her. They're taken aback that she notices and Liam asks why not. She shrugs, saying that she doesn’t know, it just doesn’t and than asks if Bill is available. From inside, Bill tells them to let her in. Diane and Malcolm block Sookie's way and stare at her menacingly. Again, Bill tells them to let her in. They back away, cursing him under their breath.
Diane and Malcolm draw apart, leaving a passageway between them for Sookie to enter the house. Sookie slowly walks by them and into the living room. There's a young man (Jerry), seated on one of the sofas and a woman (Janella), laying on the other sofa. Bill is sitting in a shadowed corner facing Sookie. The other three vampires follow Sookie into the room. She asks if they will excuse her and Bill, that they have some business to attend to.
Diane stands beside Sookie and asks Bill where he found her. Liam thinks she smells sweet, with Malcolm calling Bill out for telling them how he is living mainly on synthetic blood. Dianne says Sookie smells like a virgin, and virgins have the best tasting blood. After babies Liam adds. Fast as lightning, Liam grabs Sookie and draws her close to him. Liam pushes Sookie's head to one side, exposing her neck and Diane draws near to Sookie's throat, Bill quickly gets up out of the chair. He tells them to stop, “Sookie is mine!”
Malcolm interjects, stating that if she’s Bills’, he certainly doesn’t want to do anything to disturb their little arrangement. That's why he always brings Jerry with him. As Malcolm and Diane sit down on the sofa near Jerry, Janella gets up and crosses over to Liam. Diane laughs as Sookie turns her head. “She's innocent.” Bill declares again the Sookie is his. Diane wants to know why she not taking care of her master. He’s hungry. Then Malcolm offers Jerry to Bill. Jerry gets up and crosses over to the opposite sofa and sits down in front of Bill. Jerry bends his head and exposes his neck for Bill. Sookie can hear his thoughts, encouraging Bill to bite him and get infected with Hep D.
Suddenly she tells him to stop, Jerry has Hep D. The room is suddenly quiet as everyone looks at Sookie. Jerry lunges at Sookie, shoving her down on the table and choking her. In his thoughts he curses the vampires for his losing his lover. Suddenly, Bill grabs Jerry's arm, forcing him away from Sookie. With one swift movement, Bill breaks Jerry's arm and propels him across the room back to the sofa. Malcolm quickly crosses over to Jerry as Bill kneels over Sookie and gently cradles her head with his hands.
Malcolm is clearly up set and decides that they have long ride back to Monroe, and they’ll all want to have a little talk with Jerry ... when he wakes up. Malcolm grabs Jerry and throws him over his shoulder. As Liam and Malcolm start to leave, Diane protests, asking if anyone is the slightest bit interested in how Sookie knew about Jerry. Bill looks into Sookie’s eye and assures her that she can’t speak yet. Diane quickly moves over to Sookie and stares into her face, certain she can make Sookie talk. Bill reminds Diane once more that Sooke is his. She gives up and the vampires clear out, Jerry slung over Malcolm's shoulder and Janella walking with Liam.
Bill gently raises Sookie into a sitting position. She quickly turns her away from him. Bill slowly gets up and walks across the room. He apologizes that she had to witness that and her visit was unexpected. Interested, she asks about Hep D. He recounts that Hepatitis D is the only blood-borne pathogen to which vampires are susceptible. Malcolm must be furious. She probes that she’s never heard of it and Bill says it has been kept out of the media. She asks that it makes them sick for a year? He confesses no, just makes them weak for about a month or so. The biggest danger to vampires from hep D is being captured and staked during that time. Sookie understand that they don’t want their weaknesses to be public knowledge. She than becomes irate, wanting to know what he meant by, "Sookie is mine?!” Bill supplies the he was communicating to the others that she is his human, and therefore he is the only one who could feed on her.
Bolting from the table, she charges up to him and expresses that he most certainly cannot feed on her. Trying to be reasonable, Bill implores that he of course he can’t and had they known that, they'd have considered her fair game, and he wouldn't have been able to stop them from attacking. It'd be three against one, and Malcolm is much older than he is and quite strong. In slight shock, Sookie asks that he and Diane dated? He admits that they had relations once, just after she was made a vampire, back in the late 1930s. Grossed out, Sookie contends that they are all so mean. Bill necessitates that those vampires are evil and that they share a nest. When vampires live in nests they become more cruel, more vicious, and become laws unto themselves. Whereas vampires such as him, who live alone, are much more likely to hang onto some semblance of their former humanity.
Resolute to depart as soon as possible, Sookie hands him the info for two electrical contractors. They're willing to come out at night. She has to go and Bill asks if he could kiss her goodnight. Repulsed by everything, she declines stating that she couldn't stand it after them. Bill stares after her as she leaves the house.
At Merlotte’s, Sam and Tara are cleaning up after hours. Sam carries a case of beer to the refrigerator behind the bar and starts stocking it. Tara stands at the bar cleaning glasses. He asks why she’s still there and she says because she doesn’t want to go home. Dawn passes by, telling everyone goodnight. Tara asks for a beer and Sam hands her one, as long as she’s not on the clock. He goes back to stocking the refrigerator. She wonders if Sookie is getting serious about Bill and Sam thinks that she’s getting to know him. And once she does, won’t be getting too serious about him. Tara says Bills is getting pretty damn serious about her. Sam quickly looks over at Tara. She tells him about Bill stopping by last night. Sam inquires how Miss Stackhouse seemed to feel about a vampire being in her house, interested in her granddaughter. Tara surmises that she seemed like she was in seventh heaven. Sam sighs and then returns his attention to stocking the refrigerator. She tells him he's only got himself to blame for not initiating a romantic relationship with Sookie.
Sam asks Tara why she never started anything with Jason. She just rolls her eye, quipping that she is comfortable with him being right where he is, which is unattainable and changes the subject back to Sam. He tells her that he kind of did let Sookie know for the first time night before last, not even a minute before that vampire walked through the front door. Tara suggests that he get in there right now while he’s still got a shot. They each take a drink of their beers. Sam thinks for a minute and then looks back at her. When Sam tells her that Sookie told him that she can't hear Bill's thoughts and he said that she could listen to his (Sams) thoughts whenever she wanted to. Tara exclaims that Sookie doesn't want to listen to any body's thoughts. She wants to not hear them. But that requires constant work on her part. And now she's met somebody and she can drop all that effort and just relax. She tells Sam that, unfortunately, he doesn't stand a chance. He remarks that she can go home anytime she wants.
Dawn arrives home after work. She laughs, skipping into the house thinking of Jason, tied to the headboard of the bed. Arriving at the bedroom, she flips the light on, her smile fading as she stares at the empty bed. Suddenly, someone attacks her from behind and wraps an arm around her neck. A masked man grabs her and growls at her. She starts to freak out as he paws at her, but then she gets into it when she thinks it's a vampire. The attacker throws Dawn on the bed and looms over her. Dawn is struggling and the fear has returned. Dawn tries to rise up but the attacker pushes her back down. He says he just drained the guy she left tied up and thanks her for it, while he gropes her some more. Dawn starts screaming again and renews her frantic struggle. Dawn desperately reaches for something on the nightstand. While her back is turned, the attacker rips his hood off, revealing that it’s Jason. He flips her back around. Dawn screams and then grows quiet as she sees his face. Jason laughs, raises up and does a few dance moves. Slapping his face, Dawn begins to beat him with her fists, screaming that wasn’t funny. All Jason can do is laugh. He grabs her and holds on until she stops hitting him. Telling her to think of it as foreplay. Dawn slaps his face twice and he eggs her on. He roars, she starts laughing, then they fall back onto the bed.
Sookie drives home, and parks. She stares at nothing for a minute. Freaked out and sad, she takes a deep breath and wipes the tears from her eyes. Once composed, she begins to start for the porch. She glances down to put her keys away and is startled when she looks up and finds Bill standing in front of her. She tersely cautions him on how many times she has told him not to do that! He imparts that it wasn’t intentional and that he just got there. He wanted to make sure she was safe as he descends the porch steps. He and Sookie stare at each other in silence. All this time, she is trying to read him. Again, she question why she can’t hear his thoughts and if he even has any thoughts. Almost adverse, he says that he has thoughts, many lifetimes of thoughts. She again wants to know why she can’t hear them. He guesses it's because he doesn't have brainwaves, he is dead. She insists that he is not because he’s standing right in front of her. He enlightens her that he has no heartbeat and no need to breathe. There are no electrical impulses in his body and what animates her no longer animates him. She asks what does animate him and how does he digest blood, if nothing works. He talks about the magic that keeps him alive. She scoffs that she may look naive, but is not and he needs to remember that.
He begins to ascertain that she thinks it's not magic that keeps her alive? Just because she understands the mechanics of how something works doesn't make it any less of a miracle, which is just another word for magic. We're all kept alive by magic and his is just a little different from hers. Sookie says they should stop seeing each other and turns to run up the steps. When Bill asks why, she says because he doesn’t breathe! He doesn't have any electrical whatever-it-is! His friends would like nothing more than to rip her out! And because vampires killed that preacher from the Fellowship of the Sun church and his wife and baby! She demands that he look her in the eye and tell her they didn't do it! He points out that humans’ have killed millions upon millions in senseless wars and he will not hold her responsible for that.
She counters that the night before last, she had to bury her bloody clothes because she didn't want her grandmother to find out she was almost killed. And tonight, she was almost killed again! Asking once more, “Why on earth would I continue seeing you?” Ominous, he walks up the steps and stands facing her. “Because you will never find a human man you can be yourself with.” She shakes her head and turns to go into the house. He calls her name and she pushes him away. She asks him not to touch her and to just go, as she enters the house and closes the door. He stands on the porch for a minute and than leaves, determined.
At Sam’s trailer, Tara is sitting on Sam's front porch. Sam exits the trailer and hands Tara a drink. She does not want to go home to her passed-out drunk mother. They bond over booze. She asks him why he doesn't have a girlfriend. Sam says he has a hard time opening up. Tara starts quizzing him about sex and they trade "how long it's been" stories. Sam goes back into the trailer, leaving Tara alone with her thoughts. She lets her hair down and glances over at the door to the trailer. A minute later, she's opening that door and going inside and matter-of-factly intimate that they have sex. Sam says no, that it's a terrible idea. She says she’s not looking for a boyfriend, especially one who could fire her. Tara takes her drink from Sam and then stretches out on the sofa. Then she lays it out that this would strictly be a one-time deal and they never even have to mention it again. He refuses again. But he thinks about it, asking if she’ll really be able to forget about it and not let it affect their working relationship. Tara states that she’s had to do much harder things than that in her life. He tells her if things got weird he'd have to let her go. Tara is okay with that. Sam puts his drink down and joins Tara on the sofa.
At Dawn’s house, Jason and Dawn are having sex. At one point, Jason looks down at her and imagines seeing the bald, tattooed vampire (Liam) in her place. He closes his eyes but can't get the picture out of his head. Jason turns away and lays down, no longer interested in sex. The mood is killed. He tells Dawn he hates that she had sex with a vampire. She asks how exactly is that any of his business. He again maintains that vampires are freaks and wants to know what’s wrong with her, letting something nasty like that even touch her. She challenges that it was the best sex she ever had. He thought that he was the best she ever had. Until he stopped calling, she says that’s when she met the vampire. Jason demands to know what he looked like. Laughing she says the vampire he had a lot of hair and met him in Shreveport at the vampire bar. Jason wonders if she just let him bite her. She fires back, “Yeah, and I'm not ashamed of that.” But he thinks she should be. She says it was the best sex she ever had. Jason's clearly jealous. He starts to think that's who she was expecting tonight when he fake-attacked her. Feeling him up a little she coos that she knew all along it was him (Jason). He snaps that she’s lying and would immediately sleep with that vampire if he showed up. With that, Dawn rolls over and starts getting dressed, declaring that this is getting boring and it time for him to leave. He just laughs that he isn’t going anywhere. As she finishes pulling her clothes on, all the while berating him for losing form and he doesn’t need to have a freaking meltdown. He shouts to her as she stalks into the hall to get a cigarette. She returns to the bedroom with a gun and points it directly at him. He just starts laughing. Dawn is not kidding. He continues to laugh as he pulls out some dental floss and starts flossing his teeth. Dawn says the he doesn’t own her and she wants him out of her house. He stands his ground that he’s not going anywhere. “Oh, yes, you are.” As she fires the gun at the floor. Jason is startled and starts fumbling around with the blanket, trying to get up out of the bed. Gun raised and pointed toward Jason, Dawn starts walking toward the bed. She swears that he is obnoxious and full of himself and dumber than a box of hair and now he can't even get it up? So there's no reason why she should be seeing him anymore. Trying to get his clothes, he calls her crazy and he can bet she is. Again, she shouts for him to leave. He’s trying to get his pants and she doesn’t feel like waiting. She fires the gun at the floor again. Now she is screaming for him to get out as he runs from the house. Dawn comes running out after him and throws the rest of his clothes at him. Jason rushes back up to the porch as she goes back into the house. Calling her all kinds of names, Jason starts to leave when the next door neighbor comes out to see what all the noise is about. He shouts that her neighbor's a crazy bitch! The neighbor goes back into the house and Jason gets into his truck, cursing vampires.
At home, Bill is sitting in the living room reading a book. There are numerous kerosene lanterns lit and casting a soft glow on the room. Suddenly, feeling a presence, Bill bolts up and turns around, fangs bared. It's Sookie, in her nightgown. She confesses awkwardly that she has never been with a man intimately, for all the reasons she told him about. But she feels things when she’s with him that make her think and ... she knows this could be a huge mistake, one she will regret forever ... but it feels like he’s the one that she supposed to... do it with. And she is really nervous about that ... and frankly scared to death of him. So can they just get it out of the way already so she can relax and get a good night's sleep? Bill draws close to kiss Sookie and she asks that he not bite her. They slowly begin to kiss each. Bill gently slips Sookie's nightgown off. As their passion begins to build the scene shifts to Sookie in her own bed, dreaming. Slowly she wakes up and her eyes wander over to her cat, Tina, who is purring as she watches Sookie. Suddenly wide awake, she removes her hand from under the blanket.
In Sam's house trailer, a dog barks. Tara lays in the bed next to Sam, who is sleeping. She raises up and looks at him as he moans and growls in his sleep.
Going home, Jason drives up and goes inside his house. After turning on the light, he tosses his clothes and keys down and then gets a beer from the refrigerator. He sits down and uses the remote to turn on the television. The first program is an old black and white horror classic and Basil Rathbone is staking a woman vampire. He changes channels and the next program is a talk show. There are three people seated and talking to each other, the late Reverend Newlin's son, a man in a white suit, a big-haired blond with a lot of make-up. He switches channels again. This program is on bats. Fed up, he turns off the tv.
In Monroe at the home of vampires. Malcolm, Diane and Liam in are in the living room. There's a few lamps on and many lit candles scattered throughout on the tables and their coffins. Malcolm is bemoaning his misery about Jerry while Diane tries to cheer him up. With Liam’s instigation, they decide to raid a frat house at the state college. Someone knocks on the door. With lightning speed Malcolm gets up and opens the door. Bill silently walks in as Malcolm states that it’s everyone's favorite buzz-kill. Diane says ‘Hi” as Liam offers Bill a drink, which is declined. Diane carnally implies if he is hungry for something else and that she remembers him having a very sizable ... appetite. Enraged, Bill throws Diane across the room! Everyone's fangs come out as she recovers and strides back to Bill. Bill than warns them to stay away from him and Sookie from now on. Malcolm, walking through the room says that he is Bill’s elder and Bill has no authority there. Bill than suggests that there are higher authorities, Malcolm admits that he’s afraid of Eric. Bill advises authorities higher than Eric. Uncaring, Malcolm says that she (unnamed female vampire who outranks Eric) can speak to me and Diane is with him on this. Bill asserts that they are not doing anything to help their cause. All three are opposed to this. Diane says that not everyone wants to dress up and play human and Liam thinks it’s b.s. that vamps would want to live off that Japanese stuff they call blood, as if they could. Justifiably, Bill says they have to moderate their behavior now that they are out in the open. Malcolm considers that not everybody thinks it was such a great idea. And not everybody intends to tow the party line. Then Bill looks from the vampires and asks, ‘Where's Jerry?’. Sighing, Malcolm, sarcastically states that they left him on the side of I-20. Well, most of him, anyway. Liam volunteers that Janella felt so bad about what Jerry did, she made the ultimate sacrifice. Turning, Bill walks to another room. There he sees Janella, hanging upside down, her throat slashed with blood dripping into a bucket. Disgusted, Bill turns back to the group and tells them they make him sick. Diane counters that he used to be fun and is this all on account of that little blond breather? (meaning Sookie) Before leaving Bill assures them that if they insist on flaunting their ways in front of mortals, there will be consequences. He than leaves as Malcolm closes the door.
Sam wakes up alone. It’s early morning and the bed beside him is empty. He looks around but doesn't see Tara anywhere.
At her home, Tara drives up to her house and parks her car. She slips through the front door but doesn't make it all the way in, when her mother hits her over the head with a big heavy Bible. Tara cries out in pain and holding her head, stumbles across the room. Her drunk mother scolds her for staying out all night. Tara insults her mom and then feels bad, moving in to help her off the floor. As Tara is helping her mother up, Lettie Mae grabs a liquor bottle and bashes it against the side of Tara's head. Tara tells her mother that she may have carried and nursed her, but now she is now obviously set on killing her. And if she is forced to choose between her mother and her; her mother loses. Tara grabs her keys and starts for the door when her mother tells her come back and help her. Crying, Tara tell her mother she is on her own and leaves.
At Gran’s house, it’s early morning and Sookie is mowing the lawn, taking her frustrations out on the grass . Gran is standing on the edge of the lawn, calling to her. Sookie hears Gran calling to her. She stops the mower and looks over at her grandmother. Gran says that she is going faint out here in this heat. Handing Sookie some lemonade, Gran looks at the pile of bags filed with leaves and asks Sookie what has gotten into her. Shaking her head a bit, Sookie says she just need to stay busy right now. Sensing something else, Gran asks her is she is concerned about the vampire and has he done something untoward. Sookie stumbles a bit trying to decide between what her mind, body, and heart are telling her to do. Gran says that’s a dilemma and for her to come inside for something to eat if she is going to be out working like a horse. Sookie almost refuses, but Gran makes it clear that it wasn’t a question. She looks at Gran and then follows her into the house. Back by an old tree, a silent collie stands and watches. After Sookie and Gran go into the house, the dogs races away.
At Lafayette's house, someone is banging on his front door. Lafayette parts the blinds and sees that it's Tara. He unlocks the door and lets her in. She enters, half crying that her mother hit her with a liquor bottle and head is bleeding. He shushes her because he has a guest. Tara wonders if she’s going to need stitches. Lafayette looks at her head and says no, but for her to put some peroxide on that, then take two Vicodin with a big glass of red wine and smoke some ganja. So by the time she wakes up, all healed, he says as he hands her some pills. Tara asks if she can stay with him for a while and starts to bewail about everything she has done for her mother (basically crying over spilt milk). Lafayette passes her a joint as his guest enters the living room. As he tucks in his shirt, he notices Tara. The man starts to leave, but Lafayette stops him pointing at the pot Tara is smoking. The man takes a hit and then smiles at Lafayette and leaves the house. Tara asks who that was and Lafayette says that was a state senator. She is a bit thrown, wondering if her cousin is a prostitute now. He leans back and states he’s an entrepreneur. She gives him a disbelieving look. He asks if he’s supposed to be satisfied being a short-order cook and working on the road crew, which is basically one step from the chain gang. He’s got a good body that’s his ticket out and how else is he going get ahead in this podunk town. Tara just laughs a bit, asking what’s wrong with them: he’s a state-senator fucking prostitute and she’s a bartender in a redneck bar who sleeps with her boss that is in love with her best friend. He hands her back the weed, gets up to walk away, before turning around. Confused, he asks, ‘You slept with Sam?’ Without so much as admitting it, she further tells him that Sam barks in his sleep. Lafayette agrees that’s messed up.
On his front porch, Sam is reading the paper. A collie barks and comes running up to him. He pets the dog, while reading and discovers that Marthaville is getting a Starbucks. He wonders out loud if he should just break down and get a cappuccino machine. The dog starts whimpering. Sam starts petting him again and muses that he really wishes that Buffy or Blade or any one of those bad-ass vampire killers would come to take care of Bill. Sam starts laughing to the dog that it doesn't care about his problems at all and it just wants to play. Sam grabs a ball and gets down off the steps. The dog starts barking and getting excited. Sam throws the ball and the dog takes off after it. Sam runs a few steps and watches the dog speed away.
In Gran's kitchen, Gran is cooking breakfast while Sookie sits at the table, also reading in the paper that Marthaville is getting a Starbucks. She excitedly tells Gran, who can not see why anybody would spend $3 on a cup of coffee with too much milk. Sookie quotes Arlene that people are less calcium-deficient than they used to be because of all the fancy coffee they drink nowadays. Understanding now, Gran sets her plate down on the table and then sits down to join Sookie for breakfast. She asks her Gran if she should keep seeing Bill. Gran can’t tell her that, but she does think that Bill is a smart, handsome and very polite young man, but of course he's going show his best side to her. Sookie says he scares her. Not that he'd hurt her, but that she doesn't know what he's thinking. Gran says that wouldn't be such a bad thing for Sookie with her... ability. Sookie gets up and takes her plate to the sink. Gran sighs and thinks about something; seeming to make a decision. She confides that her late husband used to know things. Sookie straightens up over the sink with her back to Gran. ‘What things?’, without turning around. Going on, Grans let’s on that he knew personal things that people never would have told anybody about. Turning to face Gran, Sookie vents this is exactly it and if she doesn’t stop herself, she will hear everybody's deepest, darkest secrets and that's just too much information. Grans finishes that her husband once stopped Sookie’s Great-Uncle Francis from committing suicide and thinks there is a purpose for everything that God creates, whether it's a unique ability or a cup of overpriced coffee with too much milk ... or a vampire. God will reveal that purpose when the time is right. Sookie walks over, kisses Gran on the cheek and then starts going up the back stairs to the second floor. She stops mid-stride, and goes back down to the kitchen. She thought her great-uncle did kill himself, with a shotgun. Gran smile off the fact, saying he did, but that was years later.
At Lafayette’s house, someone is knocking at the door. Cursing, he opens the door and finds Jason standing there. Jason says he needs help and Lafayette’s so glad he finally recognized that truth. He lets Jason in and turns on some music, then sits next to Jason on his sofa. Jason asks him if he has any Viagra. Lafayette says he doesn't have the drug because it's legal and you can buy it in the drugstore. But he does have something that would have the same effect, only better. It's very expensive and will be six hundred a quarter of an ounce. Jason snaps, wanting to know what in the hell is worth that kind of money. Lafayette opens up a small concealed refrigerator and gets out of vial of blood. He sits back down next to Jason, and holds up the vial. Jason looks on, amazed asking when he did start dealing V. Lafayette states when he realized there was a market for it and doesn’t want this getting out. Vamps don't take kindly to the juice dispenser. Jason asks where he got it and Lafayette divulges that he has an arrangement with a certain life-challenged individual who appreciates his multi-faceted talents. Jason is flustered, questioning is there anybody who isn't sleeping vampires these days. Lafayette inquires if Jason wants to have the best sex he has ever had for both him and your lady friend? Jason eagerly agrees as Lafayette tells him to take one, maybe two drops of this and no more. Any more and things might get a little intense, and not in a good way. Jason asks if he can just bring the money later and starts to get up to leave, but Lafayette pulls him back down and tells him there’s nothing free in his world. Jason asks again if he can pay him later and Lafayette gets up, locking the door. Turning, he tells Jason that he doesn’t have a layaway program and not interested in instituting one. Jason, now desperate pleads with him to let him pay this afternoon. A few minutes late, Lafayette and Jason are in another room. Jason has removed all of his clothes except his underwear and watch. He's standing in front of a video camera that Lafayette has placed on a tripod. Jason, stands rigid and says he hates video cameras. Lafayette expresses that Jason could make a lot of money if he had his own website and guys all over this world would pay good money just to watch him. Jason immediately realizes what Lafayette is implying and remarks that all he had to do was dance! Lafayette takes a remote out, presses it and the music starts. Dance, he tells Jason. As he starts, Jason wants to know is anybody going see this who knows him. Lafayette shrugs, ‘Probably. There's a lot of pervs in this town.’ Upset, Jason picks up his clothes as Lafayette picks up a mask and holds it out. Does he want the V or not? Relenting, Jason takes it and he puts on the mask, Tara comes up behind a curtain to see what’s going on. Jason starts dancing as Lafayette starts enjoying the show, a little too much. Crossed between shocked and impressed, Tara watches from the doorway.
At Bill’s house, Sookie walks up the steps to the porch and looks through a window. She looks at the inside and everything is still and quiet. She sits down on the steps and looks around. The trees and sky shimmer and take on a brighter colors. As Sookie looks around she becomes aroused and then her cell phone rings. It’s Sam and he needs a favor. He just needs her to run by Dawn's and wake her up. She probably just overslept.
Sookie agrees and drives over to Dawn's house and starts knocking on the door. After calling out to her friend and getting no response, Sookie opens the screen and knocks on the inner door. Not getting an answer, Sookie tries the door handle and finds it unlocked. Walking cautiously through the house, she calls Dawn again. She walks on through to the bedroom. The alarm is going off and it looks like there's been a struggle. Dawn is laying on the bed, eyes open. Something is not right. Sookie whispers her name a few more times but then suddenly realizes that Dawn is no longer alive. Then Sookie screams.
S1 Ep2: The First Taste
AIR DATE: September 14, 2008
Mack viciously kicks Sookie in the side. The battered and bloody girl cries out in pain. She is a mess and continues to sob as they beat her up. Denise kicks her in the other side so hard, she rolls over. Then Mack kicks her again. Denise gives her another swift kick and then bends down, grabbing her hair and pulls out her ponytail. Denise slams her head into the ground as Mack delivers a brutal blow. Then he rears back and yells. Laughing, Denise grabs him and they kiss oblivious to Sookie's blood spattered body and gurgling coughs. The Rattrays profess their love for each other as the dog begins to growl. Mack turns around and pulls out a gun, aiming at the dog. Just as he is about to fire, Sookie grabs his legs and a second later, he is flying though the air. He hits a tree and falls to the ground at the base. He is dazed as something races toward him. Suddenly, his neck breaks as his head is jerked toward the side. Denise frantically looks all around. “Show you fucking face, freak!” Something races towards her as she screams. She is flung through the air. Coming back down, she lands in a broken heap amid some trees. Sookie looks over in that direction and sees the dog staring as well. The dog turns to look at Sookie and begins to whimper. At the animal starts to approach, a man leans down with arms out to pick her up.
At the sheriff's station, Sheriff Dearborne, Andy Bellefleur and Jason Stackhouse are all present. They are watching the video of Jason and Maudette having sex at the apartment. Jason grows more agitated and looks more guilty as the tape progresses. On the tape, he chokes her and runs out when he realizes what he's done. In a flashback, as Jason chokes Maudette, her body goes slack, supported only by her wrists. Her head is thrown back and sightless eyes stare up at the ceiling. He is looking down into her eyes, and getting response, whispers her name and starts to shake her. Hanging his head he starts to cry as the video keeps playing. He shakes Maudette a couple of times. Getting no response he grabs his head is disbelief. He grabs his pants and hurriedly puts them on. Then he grabs his other clothes and runs out the door; ending the flashback. Just when things seem hopeless, Maudette opens her eyes, sighs and then begins to laugh as she unties the ropes; calling him a moron. Grinning, she walks toward the video camera and turns it off. Jason's excited to learn he didn't kill her. Andy angrily protests that somebody sure as hell did.
Bill carries a bloody and battered Sookie through the dark woods. Sookie wakes up for a moment, looks at Bill, and drops her head back down, losing consciousness.
Jason suggests that Maudette’s killer was a vampire. The cops are skeptical as he describes that she had fang marks on her inner thigh. They know because they examined the body and ask if it was the same vampire his sister is messing around with. Jason defends Sookie, objecting that his sister isn’t messing around. But he doesn’t know who the other vampire is, he never met him. Andy asks what did this vampire on the video look like. Best as he can, Jason says the vampire was bald, with weird skeleton tattoos and he looked crazy out of his mind. Andy volunteers that it’s interesting because this the only videotape they found in the apartment. Jason broaches that that means somebody took them all. That somebody didn't want the cops to see them. Andy, still skeptical poses that maybe somebody only wanted them to find this one. Because it supposedly clears him of a crime that maybe he came back later to commit. Jason scoffs, claiming he’s not that smart.
Bill carries Sookie to the river, gently laying her on the ground. She's in bad shape. Bill cradles her head as Sookie moans and gasps. She can’t feel her legs. He raises her up and rests her against his knee. He rolls up his shirt sleeve and takes a big bite out of his own wrist and tells her to drink. She chokes she doesn’t want to be a vampire. He says no, she won’t be and asks if she wants to live or not. He places his bleeding wrist on her mouth. She gulps as she swallows, but then jerks back. She refuses at first, than Bill ignores her protests and presses his arm against her lips. As she drinks, Sookie loses all reservations. Grasping Bill's arm in both of her hands, she drinks ravenously.
Tara goes home, finding the television on with some game show playing, while her mother is passed out on the sofa. Tara picks up a near empty liquor bottle and stares at it. Damn. She takes it into the kitchen and calls her cousin, Lafayette to come get her. Lafayette is on his was to a party way to a party in Monroe. And hell, no. He isn't swinging by to pick her up. She pleads with him saying that she can't face cleaning her mother up and putting her to bed. It's just too damn depressing. What's depressing is how often he gets this phone call from her, teases her for not calling Jason and that she needs to move out of her mothers’ house. He finally agrees to come get her, but she may have to find her own ride home.
Dawn wakes up to loud incessant knocking on her door. She exits her bedroom and walks quickly to the front door. Its a very traumatized Jason. He walks past her and slowly sinks down on the sofa. He says that she no idea what he been through since last night. He spent the whole day thinking he'd really killed Maudette. And Bud and Andy waited 12 whole hours before showing him a videotape that proved he didn't do it. He starts to cry and kneels down next to her, burying his face against her body. He thought he had ruined his whole life. He starts kissing her, leaning back as he becomes more ardent.
At the riverbank, Bill is licking the blood from Sookie's battered forehead. He draws away as she regains consciousness and opens her eyes. She asks if she tastes different from other people. He says yes and asks again, “What are you?” Focusing, she states that apparently she’s not dead. What she is is telepathic and can hear people's thoughts. He inquires, “Even mine?” She admits no and that why she likes him so much. She can't hear him at all and that how peaceful it is after a lifetime of ... blah, blah, blah. She continues to heal and starts to rise up. He helps her move so she is leaning up against a tree. Sitting back, he asks if he can ask her a personal question. She gently chides him that he was just licking blood out of her head and it doesn’t get more personal than that. He probes at how she manages a social life with men her own age, with their only thought being… She tells him she doesn't date and flashes back to dates where hearing a man's thoughts ruined it and how it always ends up the same. He guesses that there must be some people who know about her talent. She tells him only the people closest to her know, but they never talk about it. She does her best to stay out of their heads. Over the years she’s learned how and figured it's kind of unethical to listen in to her family and her friends, her boss. But they know. Other people suspect or think she’s psychic and most people just think she is crazy. Bill is intrigued, asking what does it sound like. Going on, she says it’s like a stream of consciousness. That it gets weirder when people are mad, or upset and sometimes it's just images. They stare at each other for a long minute. As Bill draws closer, Sookie breaks the building tension and says she should be getting home. She starts to move around, amazed. She feels completely healed and Bill, exact, says that she is. Still in awe, wants to know if doctors know that V-juice can do this. He tells her no and they want to keep it that way.
Tara and Lafayette arrive at the backyard party. There are lights strung up and a number of tables and chairs scattered around. Something is cooking on the grill towards the back. The party is crowded and loud rap music can be heard. She sits on a couch by herself while Lafayette, her cousin, works the crowd. A man tries to pick her up, but she makes up a story about her husband being a mercenary just back from Iraq. The man becomes uncomfortable with her and leaves. Tara than looks around the party, not able to find Lafayette.
At Dawn's house, she and Jason have rough sex in her bedroom. At one point, Jason pushes Dawn down on the bed and her head hangs off the side exposing the perfect unbroken skin on her neck and throat.
Bill and Sookie walk chastely down the moonlit street, back to her car. There's a dusk to morning light that illuminates part of the area. Sookie ask about his age and his life before being a vampire. He was made a vampire in 1865 when he was 30. He was in the Civil War. She asks him if he'd speak to her grandmother's group. He asks if it would make her happy. She says yes. He asks again to call on her. She's off work tomorrow, he'll see her just after dark. As she turns to unlock her car, Bill disappears. She looks around but doesn't see him anywhere.
Morning light shines through Dawn's bedroom window. Jason wakes up in bed next to Dawn, who now has her shirt off. He glances over at her as she is sleeping soundly. His eyes travel to her neck. He leans in closer and sees vampire bite marks. Jason lays his head back on the pillow now deep in thought. He isn't happy about this.
At Gran’s house, Sookie is sitting at the kitchen table, watching a shouting news program between a Reverend and a representative from the American Vampire League. She turns off the television as Gran enters the kitchen and they decide Jesus wouldn't mind if someone was a vampire. Sookie eats sausage, tasting more flavors in it than usual. She describes it to her grandmother, who seems to know what happened. Tara comes in, looking and feeling lousy. She is standing at the counter about to pour a cup of coffee when Gran goes over and gives her a kiss on the cheek. Gran tells her to sit, while she makes a fresh pot. She and Sookie banter for a few minutes. She than ask for news about Jason and Sookie tells her that the cops let him go last night. And Tara is glad to see Sookie is still alive. That she obviously did not hook up with that vampire last night. Sookie doesn't answer but looks downward. Tara thinks that she is just plain dumb. Sookie shushes her as Tara asks if Bill bit her. No, Sookie whispers. Tara wants to know for sure, because vamps can hypnotize a person. Sookie gives her a sarcastic retort as Gran comes back into the kitchen with a bag of coffee.
Tara asks Gran if she glad that they let Jason go and Gran replies that she can't even believe that they arrested him to begin with. That she has a good mind to call Bud Dearborne and chew him out. She gets a phone call and takes it into the other room as Sookie apologizes to Tara for being such a bitch the night before. Tara just smiles that she’s sorry that she’ been acting like her mother. She’s just worried because Sookie is her only friend. Just than Jason walks in, hoping he’s not to late for breakfast. He banters on they he doesn’t even know why the cops suspected him and how they had heard that he was with Maudette. Sookie is not so sure, teasing him a little as Gran comes in with new about a tornado touched down turned over a trailer. The one where the Rattrays lived. They were crushed to death.
Obviously curious after hearing the news, Sookie drives to the Rattrays rented trailer. There's crime scene tape, cordoning off the site. She ducks underneath the tape to get a good look at the destruction. She’s looking around, trying to figure out how or what really could have done this. A van pulls up, and it's Sheriff Dearborne and the coroner, Mike Spencer, who buried her parents. They remind her that this is still a restricted crime scene. The sheriff has also heard she didn't like the Rattrays much and ask if any of this has to do with the vampire living in the old Compton place across the field from her house. She tells him that the Rattrays were draining the vampire and she was simply doing her civic duty by stopping them. Now they are dead, killed by a tornado. He tells her that tornados hop and this one didn’t land anywhere else. He says no one heard anything like a tornado. They try, without much success to politely berate Sookie for associating with a vampire and go down the wrong path. She speaks that nobody's forcing them to watch and leaves to go home.
Sookie comes home to find her grandmother cleaning. She says that Bill sleeps in the ground and won’t be looking at the rug. Gran quips that she doing this so she can be proud of her home. She smells rotten food and starts looking around. She's moves a piece of furniture and finds a small piece under the chair. Gran tells her that Jason and Tara are coming over that night to meet the vampire, too. Sookie wonders why everyone's getting their panties in a wad about some vampire. She inquires to Gran to tell her to be careful and Gran says that she always is. Sookie nods her head and leaves the living room. Gran stares thoughtfully after her for a minute and then resumes vacuuming.
That evening, Jason, Tara and Sookie are in the kitchen talking about Bill, before he arrives. Jason doesn’t like Sookie associating with a vampire and she snaps that she’s just trying to get to know the man. He still thinks things could end badly as he knows more about vampires than he cares too. Sookie gets up and leaves the kitchen. Tara clears her throat as Jason is about the drink her beer.
Outside, Sookie is sweeping the front porch. She turns around startled because Bill is suddenly there. She doesn’t really like it when he does that. She has to invite him in before he can enter and so she does. Jason, Tara, Bill and Sookie are seated in the living room. Gran is walking around, offering a tray of food to everyone. She extends the tray toward Bill who just shakes his head. Jason stuffs his face and stares him down. Gran sets the tray down and then takes a seat. Bill talks about where he's from. He says he came back because in the last year because the last of his Compton line died and he has set up home in the old house. He says he expects the vampire rights act to pass. Jason gives him some vampire prejudice. Tara asks if he owned slaves. Sookie is shocked and he admits that he didn't, but his father did. He charms Gran with stories of the olden days.
Bill asks Sookie to go for a walk. Jason quickly puts his beer down on the table and stands up facing him. He doesn’t think it’s such a good idea, but Gran shuts him down and asks the he respect her for being the oldest person there in the house. Bills leans in and says that he is the oldest person there. Gran smiles and laughs. Bill extends his hand to Sookie and she takes it with the two of them leaving, but not before Bill gives Jason a dark parting look, which makes Jason take a step backwards.
Outside, Sookie tells him she went to the Rattrays' trailer. He says that vampires get stronger over time and learn to cover their tracks. She suggests that he might want to remember for next time that tornadoes hop, they don't just land in one place. She asks if he ever killed anyone. He grants that he yes, he killed a few by accident at first. He was never sure when he was going get his next feed. But its different now with Tru Blood or glamour someone into letting him feed on them for love. She questions if he fed on the Rattrays. Yes, after he'd given her his blood, while she were healing. She drank a lot. Inquisitive, she wants to know what that will do to her. Bill concedes that she’ll have keener senses and her libido will be more active. That he will always be able to feel her and be able to find her fast. If she’s ever in trouble, that could come in quite handy. She stops walking and asks for a minute because she is feeling overwhelmed. He obliges as they continue walking.
At the house, Jason is sprawled out on the sofa in the living room. Tara enters and hands him a beer. He moves aside and she sits down next to him. They begin talking about wanting to be seen and to matter. They snuggle on the couch and Jason remembers he was supposed to pick up Dawn from work. He gets up to leave. Tara, now sad, remains seated on the sofa.
Walking through a graveyard, Sookie gently presses him about glamouring people, which he says is similar to hypnosis. All humans are susceptible to it. She wants him to try on her. She goads him into it and he looks deep into her eyes, trying to take hold of her thoughts. She busts up laughing. He has no effect on her. Usually people are more squeamish about vampires, he says. She just sighs, saying who is she to be squeamish about something out of the ordinary.
She flashes back to her childhood, hearing her mom thoughts as she worries about bills and then getting talked to by a woman psychologist who is resolved to disprove she can read minds. She hears her mom anxious thoughts about her, being scared by her.
She tells Bill they diagnosed her with ADD. He asks when she lost them. When she was eight, in a flash flood. He talks about losing his wife and children after he turned. She quizzes him on his skills. He can't levitate, change form or turn invisible. She giggles that he’s not a very good vampire and if nothing else, what can he do? He assert that he can bring her back to life. Stopping in the front yard of his old home, they stare deeply at each other, she lets her hair down. He seeks permission and nuzzles her neck. Sookie nods and Bill slowly takes her hair in his hands. Then he leans forward and takes a deep breath. He can smell the sunlight on her skin. After a tense moment, they kiss passionately. He pushes her away and his fangs drawn, turns from her. He tries to calm down and says he'd better walk her home. Nodding her head, Sookie agrees.
The next afternoon, Jason is tied up in Dawn's bed as she gets ready for work. He quickly realizes she plans to leave him like that until she gets home from work. He screams to be let go, pulls on the scarves binding him to the headboard but doesn't loosen them as Dawn’s car is heard driving away.
At Merlotte’s, the bar is crowded tonight. Dawn calls out a greeting to a customer on her way to the food order counter while Terry Bellefleur carries a case of Corona behind the bar. Tara is tending bar. An older woman is sitting at the bar and calls out to Tara, asking another stinger. Tara, tells her off that the woman is already drunk as a skunk and no man in here will take her home. Sam comes in and she talks her way out of wearing a uniform. She asks why Terry doesn’t wear a uniform and Terry comments that he’s spent enough time in uniforms. She sets the drink down in front of the woman as Sam walks toward the back room.
Across the room, Sookie is waiting on a table of three guys, who think lewd things. She turns to leave as one reaches over and grabs her butt. As fast as lightning, René appears out of no where and has the guy in an arm lock with his face pinned to the table. He forcing them to apologize to Sookie and they leave soon after. Sookie, flustered laughs quickly, then turns and walks back toward the food counter area. René watches her walk away and then grabs the pitcher of beer off of the threes guys' table. She goes to Arlene and asks her to thank Rene for her, but instead hears her worried thought about how she might be pregnant. Quickly, she rushes over to Arlene and gives her a big hug but is pushed away. Arelene admonishes Sookie that her private thoughts are none of her business and quickly walks away.
Sam asks to talk to Sookie in his office and asks her about reading people's thoughts. She says tries not to listen and that she can’t always to keep her guard up. He says she should read his mind sometime. She says she doesn't want to; that she's had to quit every job she's ever had because she could read her boss' thoughts. She likes working at Merlotte’s. Accepting that she won’t read him, he assures her that she has a job there as along as she wants one. Sookie quickly leaves Sam's office and walks by the kitchen area. Lafayette tells her not to let anything get her down and it’s the only way to live.
At the bar, Tara draws a pitcher of beer, while Dawn stands at the counter adding up a bill. She asks Dawn about Jason, in a way that doesn't come across as completely innocent. Dawn laughs, saying he’s probably mad at her for leaving him all tied up, though he probably deserves it. Tara declares that she’s surprised that they got back together and ask if it’s going to last. Dawn stops laughing, “Is there a reason you want to know?” Tara just shrugs and adds that ever since she’s been friends with Sookie, she’s just gotten a kick out of watching Jason's escapades with women. Sookie comes up wonders about her tables as she sees a news program, reporting the freak accident and death of the anti-Vampire Reverend and his family.
Sookie drives up to the old Compton house. There are lights on in the first floor rooms. She notices another parked car with a bumper sticker reading, "VAMPIRES SUCK" and a Louisiana license plate, reading "FANGS 1". There's another sticker reading, "HONK IF YOU'RE A BLOOD DONOR!". Looking around, Sookie walks up to the front door and hesitates as she hears loud music playing. Just as she's about to knock on the door, a black woman vampire opens it. The vampire is clad in shiny gold outfit. Sookie says that she is there to drop off some information about an electrician for Bill and if he is there. Just than another vampire joins the woman vampire at the door. Both vampires sniff and display their fangs and begin to snarl at Sookie. She gets a little frightened and turns as if to leave, but finds a third vampire, bald and tattooed, standing directly behind her. All three vampires continue snarling at Sookie.