Join the fun! January 2-9, 2010, sailing from Miami!
Are you a fan of Twilight, True Blood, Harry Potter, Dracula, Buffy, Angel, Underworld, or Anne Rice? Can’t get enough of your favorite vampires and shapeshifters? Or are you a writer trying to break into the Gothic market? Join us for 7 thrilling nights (and days, of course) on a special Fangs and Fangs Seminar at Sea! The date: January 2-9, 2010. The Ship: Carnival Liberty, leaving from Miami. Our exotic Western Caribbean ports: Cozumel, Grand Cayman and Ocho Rios.
Our guest speaker is screenwriter and famed screenwriting teacher Judy Burns (Star Trek, Mission Impossible, MacGuyver, etc.). Judy will show you how to enrich your enjoyment of the Gothic fiction genre, or how to write books, screenplays or short stories that people will buy. Many of Judy’s writing students have broken into movies and television, and have won major writing contests.
These days, Judy takes on a select few projects or scripts as a consultant or to provide notes. But in January 2010, for the price of a cruise you can spend full week with Judy Burns, enjoying and learning from one of the best writers/teachers in Hollywood – all about the hottest genre in entertainment right now – vampires and werewolves!
For fans, this Seminar at Sea will be unlike any other event you will attend. We will screen Twilight and two other features, with Judy providing live commentary and discussion. She will provide insight into each film itself and the issues a screenwriter faces in adapting a best-selling book to the screen. She will go over what works and what doesn’t in these three films, and what to expect in the upcoming sequels.
For aspiring or professional writers, there will be an opportunity to get notes on your project, time to do some writing and presentation, and even have short scenes acted out by our own group! Structure, plot, how to sell it and other topics will be covered, as well as any Q&A you have about where the genre is going next.
Whether you’re a fan or writer, you will have a thorough understanding of why we like vampires and werewolves so much, and why are they the hottest romantic stars in today’s movies, books and TV shows.
Cruise events include:
Movie screenings of your favorite films with live commentary
Film clips and rare footage
A brief but informative history of vampires and werewolves in books, TV and film – and how they paved the way for today’s smash hits
Stephenie Meyer and Charlene Harris – why the Twilight and True Blood series became hits
J.K. Rowling – her use of vampires and werewolves in the Harry Potter series
Being Human – Britain’s new supernatural series
The Vampire Diaries and other TV shows
Anne Rice and the transformation of the supernaturals from horror to romantic figures
Other authors and series you may have missed
What’s next – and where is the genre going?
Understanding the craft of writing gothic fan fiction, stories, books or screenplays
Q&A for fans and writers/aspiring writers
Participate in the writing and producing of a vampire chronicle for an onboard performance!
Trivia College Bowl – Vampires against Shapeshifters
Fangs & Fur Costume Party – come as your favorite character!
Group Photo
Special tote bag and other goodies!
Kid-friendly special event (if we have children in the group)
To book your cruise online, fill out our registration form. Or call us at 646-321-8504. Email:
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