Wednesday, May 26, 2010
True Blood S3 Spoiler
Give me a good tease about True Blood’s new season. — Holly
MICKEY: Zeljko Ivanek (aka the best guest star of everything) returns as the Magister, and he’s cracking down on the illegal V trade in Louisiana. This is a problem for the Queen, since she’s tacitly allowing it, and for Eric and Pam, since they’re running it.
Now if you remember in one of the Trailers, we do see the Queen making a visit to Fangtaisia to see Eric, So This should be an interesting twist into the plot with the Queen's Involvement in forcing her subjects to make Illegal dealings that could have very grave consequences!!!
Vampire DIaries Fans Have A Treat!!!!
The cast of the TV show The Vampire Diaries will be at hmv 150 Oxford Street, London on Thursday 3rd June at 6.30pm.
Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder will be signing autographs for one hour only.
Due to limited time available, 350 wristbands for access to the queue will be issued from the store on the day of …the event from 9am, first-come-first-served, in person only, no reservations, one wristband per person only while stocks last.
more here....
New Promo Pics and a few Spoilers For Vampire Diaries Season 2
In season 2, the Stefan/Elena/Damon will evolve into a Stefan/Katherine/Elena/Damon quadrangle and surprisingly it will be Stefan, NOT Damon, who will be the most affected by Katherine's return: it will turn out he's not as over her as he thought he was. Elena will come to come to terms with the fact that she may have developed feelings that are more than friendly towards Damon. Damon, on the other hand, will be busy devising a plan with the Council of the Founding Fathers to take down Katherine.
And yes, werewolves will be introduced next season and one of them (probably Tyler?) will connect with a certain witch (Bonnie?) while trying to deal with how to cope with their supernatural abilities
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Next season, the appearance of the villainous Katherine in Mystic Falls throws a wrench into the love triangle between Stefan, Elena and Damon, and the other residents of Mystic Falls must choose sides as they fall victim to a new breed of danger. New and unexpected friendships will be forged, allies will become enemies, and hearts will be broken. Stefan and Damon will be forced to face a villain more evil and diabolical than they ever believed possible. And they’ll take their shirts off. Frequently.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
True Blood Season 2 on DVD today!!!!!
Ok I just got home with my copy of True Blood Season 3 on DVD. I got it at Target which is on sale right now for 34.99. There were however 2 different boxsets actuall, One looked as if it was a normal one and the one I got came with a bonus DVD both for the same price. Well as I am typing on here I am watching the bonus DVD wondering what it actually contained and turns out it is the True Blood PaleyFest 2009!!!! So don't forget if you have not already purchased your box set of the second season, get up off of your butts and run out to get your copy today!!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Isabella "Bella" Swan
Isabella Marie "Bella" Swan (later Bella Cullen) is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Twilight series, written by Stephenie Meyer. The Twilight series, consisting of the novels Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn, is primarily narrated from Bella's point-of-view.
In Twilight, Bella moves to her father's home in Forks, Washington, meets the mysterious Cullen family, and falls in love with Edward Cullen. However, she soon discovers that the family is a coven of vampires. Bella expresses a desire to become a vampire herself, against Edward's wishes. In the second novel, New Moon, Edward and the other Cullens leave Forks in an effort to keep Bella safe from the vampire world. Jacob Black, a member of the Quileute tribe who is also a shape shifter taking a wolf form, comforts the distraught and severely depressed Bella. She comes to care deeply for Jacob, though less than she loves Edward. In Eclipse, Bella becomes engaged to Edward, and they marry in Breaking Dawn. Edward then transforms Bella into a vampire after she nearly dies giving birth to their daughter, Renesmee
Twilight is about a seventeen-year-old girl named Bella Swan, who moves from her mother's home in Phoenix, Arizona, to live with her father in her birthtown of Forks, Washington. There, she becomes intrigued by a student, Edward Cullen. When Edward saves her life, he exhibits super-human qualities. Bella learns from family friend Jacob Black that Quileute legends say the Cullen family are vampires.[3] Edward eventually admits to this truth, though his family hunts only animals, not humans, through moral choice.[4] Edward constantly warns Bella against being with him, perceiving her life to be at constant risk if she continues to associate with him because the scent of her blood is more powerful to him than that of any other human he has ever encountered. Bella's love and confidence in Edward's restraint is such that his warnings go unheeded, and on an outing with the Cullens she becomes the target of a sadistic vampire, James. With his family's help, Edward is able to save Bella from James' predations, but Edward is still unwilling to change Bella into a vampire himself.
New Moon
New Moon begins with Bella's eighteenth birthday. During a party at the Cullens, she gets a small paper cut while opening a present. Edward's brother, Jasper, instinctively hungering for her blood, tries to attack her. Edward realizes that his relationship with Bella puts her in danger. In a misguided attempt to protect Bella, he convinces her that he no longer loves her and moves away with his family, leaving her heartbroken and depressed for months.
To appease her worried father, Bella goes to a movie with her friend Jessica. While there, she carelessly approaches a group of rough-looking men outside a bar and discovers she can hear Edward's voice when in dangerous situations. Desperate to hear his voice again, Bella seeks out danger; she asks Jacob Black to repair two motorcycles and teach her to ride one. Their friendship grows to be very strong, and Jacob admits that he has romantic feelings for Bella, though she does not reciprocate this. When a vampire named Laurent tries to attack her, Bella is saved by a pack of giant wolves. Later, Bella learns that Jacob and other tribe members are shape shifters who assume a wolf form to protect humans from vampires. Bella also discovers that the vampire Victoria has returned to Forks seeking to kill Bella to avenge her mate, James', death.
To hear Edward's voice, Bella attempts cliff-diving and nearly drowns, but she is saved by Jacob. Edward, after being mistakenly informed by Rosalie that Bella has committed suicide, travels to Volterra, Italy, to request the Volturi to destroy him. Alice returns to Forks and discovers Bella is alive; she and Bella pursue Edward to Italy and successfully prevent him from showing himself in daylight to humans, an act that would result in his execution. The trio are taken to the Volturi. Because Bella knows about vampires, the Volturi want to kill her, but Alice claims she has foreseen Bella becoming a vampire. Because most humans are unaware that vampires exist, the Volturi threaten to kill Bella if this does not happen soon. Upon returning home, Edward reveals to Bella that he never stopped loving her, he only left Forks because he thought it would protect Bella. He apologizes for this misguided action and asks for her forgiveness, which Bella quickly grants. Bella, intent on becoming a vampire, decides that Edward's family should vote on her fate. All but Rosalie and Edward vote affirmatively for her to be changed, but Edward agrees to change her himself if she will marry him first.
Eclipse continues the drama of Bella and Edward's relationship. Edward explains that he is reluctant to change Bella into a vampire because he believes that vampires are soulless creatures who have no place in heaven. Bella, whose opinion of marriage is jaded by her own parents' early divorce, agrees to marry Edward on the condition that he will make love to her while she is still human and then turn her into a vampire. He initially refuses, saying that he could easily lose control in the heat of the moment and unintentionally kill her. However, seeing how important it is to Bella, he agrees to try, but only after they are married.
The plot is driven by the machinations of the vampire Victoria, who first encountered Bella and the Cullens during the first book, Twilight. Victoria, seeking to avenge her mate, James', death, hunts Bella while building a new vampire army. To combat this threat, a grudging truce is struck between the Cullens and the Native American shape-shifting wolf pack led by Sam Uley and Jacob Black, who pits himself against Edward as a love interest for Bella. Initially, Bella considers Jacob only as a friend but, despite her engagement to Edward, she shares a kiss with Jacob and realizes she loves him as well. Ultimately, Edward accepts Bella's love for Jacob and successfully destroys Victoria. Bella acknowledges that Edward is the most important person in her life, agreeing to announce their engagement to her father.
Breaking Dawn
Near the beginning of Breaking Dawn, Bella marries Edward. They spend their honeymoon on Isle Esme, a fictional small island that was given to Esme as a gift from Carlisle. They consummate their marriage, but their lovemaking sparks a conflict between the newlywed couple: Edward is horrified that he has bruised his wife, but Bella insists that she is fine and wants Edward to make love to her again. He vows not to do so again while she is still human, but he eventually gives in. Soon afterwards, Bella becomes very sick and realizes that she is pregnant with Edward's child.
Edward is shocked and rushes Bella home to see Carlisle, who, as a doctor, confirms that she is expecting a child. Edward goes half-crazy with worry as the rapidly growing fetus begins to drain Bella's health, and he tries to coerce her into having an abortion to save her own life. However, Bella feels a bond with her unborn child and insists on giving birth. Soon, Edward comes to love the baby as well, after he hears its thoughts and learns that the baby loves Bella in return and doesn't mean to hurt her.
Bella nearly dies giving birth, but Edward successfully delivers their baby girl and then injects his venom into her heart, thus healing her wounds by turning her into a vampire. During Bella's painful transformation, Jacob imprints —an involuntary process in which a werewolf finds his soul mate— on the baby, Renesmee Cullen.
After a vampire named Irina mistakes Renesmee for an immortal vampire child (a creation that is forbidden in the vampire world), the Volturi arrive to destroy the Cullens as punishment for the alleged transgression. Edward stands with Bella and their allies to convince the Volturi that Renesmee is not an immortal child and poses no threat to their existence. Once the Volturi leave, Edward and Bella are finally free to live their lives in peace with their daughter
Physical appearance
Bella is described in the novels as being very pale with brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a heart-shaped face. Beyond this, a detailed description of her appearance is never given in the series. Stephenie Meyer explains that she "left out a detailed description of Bella in the book so that the reader could more easily step into her shoes." While Meyer stresses that "Bella's looks are open to interpretation", she does supply her own personal interpretation on her website, describing Bella as:
"very fair-skinned, with long, straight, dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her face is heart-shaped—a wide forehead with a widow's peak, large, wide-spaced eyes, prominent cheekbones, and then a thin nose and a narrow jaw with a pointed chin. Her lips are a little out of proportion, a bit too full for her jaw line. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair and more straight than they are arched. She's five foot four inches tall, slender but not at all muscular, and weighs about 115 pounds. She has stubby fingernails because she has a nervous habit of biting them."
Bella also has a small crescent-shaped scar on her hand where she was bitten by James, a tracker vampire, in Twilight. The scar is described as being pale, always a few degrees colder than the rest of her body, and sparkles slightly.
After Bella is changed into a vampire by Edward Cullen in Breaking Dawn, in keeping with the appearance of most vampires, she becomes more attractive, her eyes turn red, and her already pale skin becomes even whiter.
Personality traits and abilities
Bella is described as being clumsy and stubborn. She has a private mind, which is thought to be why Edward is unable to hear her thoughts. She is also said to be a terrible liar, but occasionally demonstrates good acting ability. Bella becomes faint when she smells blood, though this no longer bothers her once she becomes a vampire. Stephenie Meyer has stated that Bella's "tragic flaw" in Eclipse is her lack of self-knowledge. After being turned into a vampire, she describes having a much clearer view of the world. She is also very self-controlled, being able to ignore the scent of human blood on her first hunting trip. Bella's private mind that was able to repel some vampires' mental abilities while she was human evolved after she became a vampire; her skill strengthened, allowing her to shield herself and those around her from other vampires' mind control. By the end of Breaking Dawn, she is able to cast the shield away from herself. She is also described by Edward as "very graceful", even for a vampire, in comparison to her earlier clumsiness.
Film portrayal
In the film adaptations, Bella is portrayed by actress Kristen Stewart. Meyer stated that she was "very excited" to see Stewart play the part and that she was "thrilled to have a Bella who has practice [in a vast array of film genres]", since, according to Meyer, Twilight has moments that fit into many genres.
Being Human Season 2 on BBC America
Series two began filming in August 2009 with a scheduled transmission in the UK beginning on 10 January 2010. It has been expanded to eight episodes, with series creator Toby Whithouse writing the first two and last two episodes.The way the pre-credit sequences will be done has changed; from episode two onwards they will be something from the past - showing something from the history of either the main cast or other characters. A prequel posted on the BBC website introduced two new vampire characters: Ivan and Daisy. BBC America will be transmitting Series 2 on July 24, 2010.
Being Human S2 EP8
George and Annie are inside Kemp and Lucy's facility, still hoping that they can be cured of their supernatural afflictions, in the final episode in the current series of the drama following the lives of three housemates who happen to be a werewolf, a ghost and a vampire.
Mitchell, knowing just how cruel these "cures" really are, aims to save his friends from Kemp's macabre experiments. But, as his heart blackens with rage and fury, can his friends save him from himself? And how will he react when he's face to face with Lucy, the lover who betrayed him?
And, as death's door opens for her again, is this really the end of Annie?
Being Human S2 EP7
Mitchell is devastated when he discovers the truth about Lucy and the vampire massacre, in the penultimate episode of the drama about three housemates who happen to be a werewolf, a ghost and a vampire. He and Daisy swear revenge – in style.
Meanwhile Nina returns, presenting George with the most difficult decision of his life. There are big decisions for Annie, too, as she contemplates whether it is now time for her to pass on.
Nina tells George and Annie about Jaggat and Kemp's facility and tries to persuade them to go along with her. Will they agree to put their fate in the hands of the strangers? And has Mitchell turned bloodthirsty for good this time?
Being Human S2 EP6
Annie (Lenora Crichlow) finds a new sense of purpose
Annie stumbles across several of her own kind at a local theatre and ends up getting a job working there with the stage psychic, as the drama following the lives of three housemates who happen to be a werewolf, a ghost and a vampire continues. Judging by his abilities, the psychic is grateful for her help.
She finds a new sense of purpose by helping ghosts resolve their issues with their living relatives, but things take a turn for the worse when someone from her past appears in the audience.
Meanwhile, Lucy's reaction to sleeping with Mitchell has some very violent and shocking repercussions. And as George's relationship with Nina becomes more serious, she has an important question for him.
Being Human S2 EP5
Mitchell is getting closer to Lucy and she, in turn, is struggling to contain her feelings for Mitchell, as the drama following the lives of three housemates who happen to be a werewolf, a ghost and a vampire continues.
Mitchell has only really fallen in love once before and, in a flashback to the Sixties, viewers learn how his relationship with Josie saved him from the excesses of vampiredom. Back in the present with Lucy, it's clear he's struggling to reconcile the difference between human love and vampire lust.
Meanwhile, George's relationship with Sam and her daughter, Molly, is going well and George wonders if there might be a chance to make the most of this normal human relationship – could he become Molly's step-father?
Annie experiences parental feelings of her own when she's asked to babysit an unusual child...
Being Human S2 EP4
George gets a new job, a new girlfriend and even a cage to transform in. But he soon realises that containing the werewolf isn't as easy as he had hoped. Annie meets an enigmatic ghost who offers to help her keep death at bay. Mitchell's attempts to control the vampires leads him further into darkness.
Being Human S2 EP 3
After a brief house-meeting the friends decide they need to start hanging out and being there for each other more than they have been lately, as the hit drama following the lives of three housemates who happen to be a werewolf, a ghost and a vampire continues.
George and Annie reflect on their past romances, whereas Mitchell has far more pressing matters to concern himself with.
Annie is feeling guilty for hurting Hugh – she's convinced he deserves a "proper" girlfriend – so employs George to try and help Hugh get back together with his ex-girlfriend, Kirsty. Annie's genius plan? For George to take Kirsty on the worst date ever... However, with Nina's departure still weighing heavily on him George's heart is not really in the operation, and the night takes an unusual turn.
Mitchell's relationship with Lucy is becoming strained, particularly after the death of one of her patients, and when they do finally make it out on a date together it looks like Mitchell might ruin his chances by refusing to give away too much about himself.
Upon the discovery of two bodies with suspicious-looking injuries, Mitchell is forced to strike deals left, right and centre to cover up the shady murder. Somehow he must stop the vampires from killing.
But is Mitchell losing control of the situation? And elsewhere, are Nina's new contacts who she thinks they are?
Being Human S2 EP2
Mitchell has a blast from the past when an old friend arrives at the hospital dead and bloodied, as the hit BBC Three drama following the lives of three housemates who happen to be a werewolf, a ghost and a vampire continues.
Lucy, the witty nurse who has got Mitchell increasingly tongue-tied, spots suspicious-looking marks on the man's neck and is intrigued to know how he came to such a messy end.
Annie, meanwhile, is loving her job as a barmaid, particularly as it means she can chat and flirt with Saul for the whole shift – much to Hugh's annoyance. Saul's charisma seems to have worked its magic on Annie, and she plucks up the courage to ask him on a date. But with Saul having strange encounters behind closed doors, it looks like his charm might begin to fade.
George and Nina are tentatively trying to make their relationship work but discovering George's dark secret and sharing a house with supernatural beings is starting to take its toll on Nina. It's not helped by Mitchell's old friend, Carl, turning up on their doorstep in urgent need of help. Events that threaten to cause the exposure of the vampire world begin to spiral.
While their hopes for a bit of normality seem dashed, the friends are unaware that their every word is being monitored – but what will the technicians do with this information?
Being Human S2 EP1
Russell Tovey, Lenora Crichlow and Aidan Turner return in the second series of the hit BBC Three drama following the lives of three housemates who also happen to be a werewolf, a ghost and a vampire. The series gets off to a gripping start as the consequences of George murdering Herrick begin to catch up with him.
After a night in the pub, George and Mitchell are challenged in a dark alley by married vampires Ivan and Daisy, who are looking to taunt the pair in retaliation for the downfall of their late leader. Daisy, however, has more than revenge on her mind.
As well as the conflicts with the supernatural, George also has issues closer to home with his relationship with Nina. Clearly under strain after Nina's dramatic discovery of George's secret, the couple seem to be avoiding the consequences it has for each of them.
Nina seeks comfort from Annie, who is wholeheartedly embracing her newfound confidence by applying for a job as a barmaid at the local pub. Annie sets about her mission with her usual gusto, much to the bemusement and concern of her housemates.
Meanwhile, Mitchell meets new doctor Lucy in the hospital toilets and her sharp wit and honesty capture his attention.
Duly distracted by the new trials unfolding in their individual lives, the friends are unaware of the ominous threat that could be facing them. Are the supernatural friends safe in the world they're desperate to be part of?
Being Human S1 EP6
Vampire Mitchell is in hospital following the almost-fatal attack on him, as BBC Three's drama about a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost reaches a thrilling conclusion. Once recovered, and believing it to be his destiny, Mitchell becomes determined to fight Herrick, no matter what it takes.
Meanwhile, Annie chooses to try to save Mitchell, having rejected the opportunity to "pass over". The decision seems to give her newfound powers.
Mitchell does not want his best friends involved in the inevitable showdown with Herrick and the vampires, but Annie bravely decides that she cannot just stand by without doing anything.
George, meanwhile, is facing a huge dilemma of his own: should he try to help Mitchell or should he flee and try to start a normal life with Nina? He has to choose between his friend and his lover. The lure of a normal human life is so strong, but George also knows that this may be the one time in his life Mitchell needs him not be a coward – to stand up and be counted.
As this series of Being Human comes to an end, the three friends face the toughest decisions they have ever faced as they stand on the brink of their destinies.
Being Human S1 EP5
George (Russell Tovey) is called upon to help both Mitchell and Annie
Mitchell is traumatised by the way his friendship with Bernie ended, which has pushed him back towards the vampire fold, as BBC Three's drama about a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost continues.
Herrick tells Mitchell that the vampires are starting a mass conversion and that they will only feed from people who want to be vampires. But the truth is much darker and more disturbing than Mitchell could have ever dreamed.
He has to escape and his only hope is his friends George and Annie – but can they overcome their personal fears in order to save their friend?
Annie, meanwhile, decides that she must avenge Owen and enlists George's help, but her self-confidence is at an all-time low and Owen still has a firm hold on her emotions, even in death. Annie needs to find the strength to battle her inner demons, a strength which ends up being drawn from the most terrifying of events.
Meanwhile, Nina is becoming ever-more suspicious of George's behaviour. George knows that if this relationship is to work then he cannot hide his true nature for ever...
Being Human S1 EP4
Mitchell's attempt to embrace humanity becomes more intense than ever when he befriends a 12-year-old boy, Bernie, and his divorced mum, Fleur, as BBC Three's drama about a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost continues.
Mitchell and Bernie develop a friendship which reminds Mitchell of his own, pre-vampire, childhood and helps him to stay "on the wagon". But things turn sour when Bernie is shocked to catch a glimpse of Mitchell's vampire existence.
Fleur is horrified and thinks that Mitchell is some sort of monster trying to lead her son astray. It's not long before word gets round the neighbourhood, threatening to ruin the housemates' desire for normality and acceptance.
George realises that if he is to have any real future with the feisty Nina then he must tell her the truth. As he deliberates, Nina becomes more confused, especially when she hears rumours about Mitchell.
Annie, meanwhile, is traumatised following her shocking revelation about Owen. Mitchell and George do everything they can to try to lift her spirits but to no avail. Her despair turns to anger when she learns Owen will be visiting the house to try to sort out growing problems with the neighbours.
Through her emotional rage, Annie discovers some powerful and uncontrollable skills. When confronted with Owen, her fury develops into a lust for revenge.
Being Human S1 EP3
Annie meets ghost Gilbert, a ghoulish Smiths fan who died in the mid-Eighties, as BBC Three's witty and thrilling series continues. He loves being stuck in the past and relishes the bleakness of being a ghost. Through Gilbert, Annie learns that she is stuck in limbo because there is something unresolved about her death.
Meanwhile, Sparky nurse Nina is clearly interested in being more than friends with George, but he resists her at every turn. He doesn't believe that he should ever get involved in a relationship because of his uncontrollable secret. But as the full moon approaches, and George's animalistic tendencies take hold, he becomes more impulsive – and lusty. Against his better judgment, George ends up giving Nina the night of her life.
Lauren tries to work her way back into Mitchell's life. Mitchell initially resists her, determined to stay on the side of humanity, but when Lauren reveals a vulnerable side, and shows that she, too, feels guilty about her vampire lifestyle, it seems like he might relent...
Being Human S1 EP2
George is shocked when he meets another werewolf, a rough-and-ready rogue called Tully, as BBC Three's sexy, witty and thrilling new series continues.
Tully is the opposite of George – he's content with his condition and wants to teach George how to enjoy being a werewolf – but this is the last thing that George wants. He doesn't want to accept what he is and his attitude towards Tully is one of thinly veiled disgust.
It's not long, however, before Tully works his way into the house that George shares with Mitchell and Annie. He is invited to stay by Mitchell as part of his concerted efforts to embrace the world and, thus, be more human. Tully charms Mitchell and Annie but soon becomes the housemate from hell – eating all the food, stinking out the bathroom and flirting with the only female in the house.
Tully also seems to be thawing George, and wants to teach him how to embrace his inner-werewolf. He also offers George advice on how to treat the ladies – which George takes on board in order to try to get a date with Nina, the feisty nurse he fancies.
Meanwhile, Mitchell continues his battle to stay on the wagon – and it seems like it's going well. He resists Lauren's advances and those of a pretty girl at a party, but his vampire appetite can never be entirely suppressed – particularly when Lauren seems determined to tempt him.
Being Human - Pilot
New, one-off drama, Being Human, is a witty, exciting, sexy and extraordinary look at the friendship between three, twenty-something outsiders trying to find their way in an enticing, yet complicated world.
The BBC Three drama stars a cast of bright, up-and-coming actors – Guy Flanagan (Totally Frank), Andrea Riseborough (Margaret Thatcher: The Long Walk To Finchley) and Russell Tovey (The History Boys) – alongside Adrian Lester (Hustle).
Being Human explores what it's like trying to find where you fit into the grand scheme of things when you live with an unusual affliction…
Mitchell (Flanagan) and George (Tovey) are two twenty-something lads who, like any of their peers, would love to hit the town, pull girls and spend evenings down the pub.
Mitchell is a hospital cleaner, good looking, laid back and a hit with the ladies. Oh, and he's a blood sucking vampire.
Mitchell's friend George works in the same hospital as a porter. He's an awkward but loveable geek who was befriended by Mitchell two years ago.
George was heartbroken after he had to move away from the love of his life; he had to leave before she discovered that at every full moon, he sprouts a snout, grows a very hairy back and transforms into a werewolf.
Having had enough of sleeping in hostels and temporary accommodation, Mitchell and George decide to get a flat together where they can indulge in their love of beer, pizza and watching TV.
They just want to have a go at being normal; being human.
Annie (Riseborough) is their uninvited lodger. When the guys move into their new creepy abode they are not expecting to share it with a ghost with a confidence crisis.
Annie used to live in the flat with her boyfriend but following a fatal accident, and now suffering from a distinct lack of self-esteem, she can't move on.
So, she spends her time wandering around the house, making cups of tea she can't drink and scaring away anyone who dares try to move into her home.
But when George and Mitchell move in Annie's surprised to find two new friends who are as unusual and weird as she is.
Rob Pursey, executive producer for Touchpaper Television, says: "Being Human is a warm, funny, aspirational drama with an irresistible twist. Mitchell, George and Annie are supernatural creatures but they are desperate to be a part of a life we all take for granted.
"It's an exciting and contemporary take on friendship and finding your way in the world. Toby Whithouse's witty, emotionally powerful script makes these three misfits come alive even though they're far from human."
Being Human is commissioned by Danny Cohen, Controller of BBC Three, and Jane Tranter, Controller of BBC Fiction, and produced by Touchpaper Television, part of the RDF Media Group.
Executive producers are Julie Gardner (Head of Drama, Wales and Head of Drama Commissioning) and Lucy Richer (Commissioning Editor, Independent Drama).
It is written by Toby Whithouse (Hotel Babylon), produced by Matthew Bouch (The Sarah Jane Adventures), directed by Declan O'Dwyer (Wire In The Blood) and executive produced by Rob Pursey (The Queen's Sister) and Julie Gardner.
The cast and tone of Being Human changed between the pilot and the series. Compared to the pilot, producer Matthew Bouch described the series as "less gothic and slightly more rooted" as well as "a bit funnier"; he also described the series as "kind of a reboot" of the pilot. Writer Toby Whithouse, however, said that he does consider the pilot to be canon.
Interior shots of Mitchell, Annie, and George's home, the hospital, and the vampires' funeral home headquarters are filmed on sound stages with exterior shots filmed on location. The funeral parlour's exterior and reception room are filmed in an old car showroom in Bristol, while the back rooms are filmed in a television studio.
To promote the show, the BBC launched a blog, and on 22 December 2008, the BBC Being Human web page aired three prequel videos to introduce the three main characters: Mitchell's is set in the 1960s, George's is a video diary of his visit of Scotland, and Annie's shows her as a ghost terrorizing a couple who had moved into the house. Series one of Being Human premiered in the US on 25 July 2009 on BBC America and on 4 August on Fox in Portugal.
Could it be the end of Bill and Sookie????
True Blood star Anna Paquin has hinted that her on-screen character Sookie will split with vampire Bill in a future episode. The 27-year-old actress plays the role of Sookie Stackhouse in the hit HBO show, and her real-life fiance Stephen Moyer plays Sookie's boyfriend Bill Compton.
True Blood Star Anna Paquin Hints at Split On Screen.
Asked if they will stay together, she said to UK newspaper Daily Mirror: "Well, no TV show keeps the main couple together throughout the whole run. That would be boring."
Meet Alcide Herveaux.......
The countdown is on to ‘True Blood’s season premiere on June 13th. HBO has released a series of provocative minisodes to whet fans appetites. Much of the pre-season buzz is about the character of Alcide, a werewolf who will be spending a lot of time with Sookie (Anna Paquin) as her bodyguard. Joe Manganiello, known for playing Owen on ‘One Tree Hill‘ and Flash Thompson in the first ‘Spiderman‘ movie, landed the pivotal role. Manganiello revealed why Alcide comes into Sookie’s life, how he prepared for his nude scenes and why playing this role is the culmination of a life long dream.
Tell me all about Alcide.
Alcide is a werewolf. He plays the role of Sookie’s bodyguard in season three.
How close is the TV version to the character that is in the books?
He’s pretty close as far as the description goes. He’s brought by Eric (Alexander Skarsgard) to bodyguard Sookie because Bill’s (Stephen Moyer) been kidnapped and Sookie believes that werewolves have some information to his whereabouts. So Alcide is brought in [because of ] his father’s debt to escort Sookie into the underground society of werewolves.
Are the two of them going to get romantic?
All I can say is that bonding happens. They bond.
Introducing Talbot; Greek, Gay, and Gorgous!!!
True Blood’s sexy, new gay Greek vampire, Talbot (Theo Alexander, debuting in the HBO hit’s June 20 episode), will cheat on his 3,000-year-old sugar-daddy boyfriend of 700 years, King of Mississippi Russell Edgington (Denis O’Hare), with one of these four straight Bon Temps studs: Bill (Stephen Moyer), Eric (Alexander SkarsgÃ¥rd), Jason (Ryan Kwanten) or Sam (Sam Trammell)!
Though he’s keeping his mouth shut about his secret lover’s identity (yes, it’s the one most of you are hoping for), Theo tells me, “Talbot loves Russell immensely because he’s [his] maker, but like any marriage, it has its ups and downs. One thing we have a huge fight over is that I always have to stay home. Sometimes I have to straighten him out and take drastic measures to save the marriage.”
Theo, currently back home in Greece, where he’s worrying that his mother’s “miles of spanakopita” will make him appear fatter in shirtless love scenes he has yet to shoot, also can’t reveal how Theo and Russell get hooked up with the Louisiana denizens, offering only that, as royalty, “we have ties to all the kingdoms.” And here’s a big gay bonus: A scene early in the season will reveal two of the four straight characters making out—with each other!
True Blood Season 3: 1st 3 episodes
Sookie turns to Eric for help finding Bill; Andy urges Jason to stay the course; Sam reconnects with his past; Tara seeks refuge from her grief. (Written by Brian Buckner; directed by Daniel Minahan.)
Episode #26: “Beautifully Broken”:
Russell Edgington, the Vampire King of Mississippi, concocts a plan to consolidate his power. Eric remembers his past; Sam tests the strength of his family bonds; Tara finds an ally in a shady vampire named Franklin Mott. (Written by Raelle Tucker; directed by Scott Winant.)
Episode #27: “It Hurts Me Too”:
In search of Bill, Sookie heads to Jackson, Mississippi in the company of Alcide, a werewolf bodyguard assigned by Eric to protect her. Jason is distracted from his police exams; Bud reaches the end of his rope; Arlene copes with unexpected news; Franklin charms Tara, and gets Jessica out of a jam; Eric bequeaths a gift to Lafayette. Haunted by visions from his past, Bill makes a surprising pledge of allegiance. (Written by Alexander Woo; directed by Michael Lehmann.)
Moonlight on the CW
Vampires are so hot right now that the CW is even resurrecting one that was already dead. Well, technically undead, but killed off its original network.
"Moonlight," which aired its first and only season on CBS in 2007, will premiere in reruns on the CW on June 3. That'll fill a void, perhaps, with "Vampire Diaries" fans who will run out of new episodes of that original show next week and might never have seen the older series. (Though, demographically, CW fans might be more apt to turn to the new season of HBO's "True Blood," coming back for its third season June 13.)
The CW is pairing "Moonlight" with repeats of "Vampire Diaries" on Thursday nights. The former CBS drama stars Alex O'Loughlin as Mick St. John, a private investigator who happens to be immortal and works to help the living (rather than sucking the life out of them).
Whether it's just the hard-core existing fans who show up, or a whole (younger) set of viewers latch onto "Moonlight," it will be a limited-time fixation. O'Loughlin stars in a CBS pilot, the remake of "Hawaii Five-O," that looks like a lock for the network's fall schedule. So he's booked, Dano.
Having his former show airing this summer, though, could help keep the hunky leading man top of mind before "Hawaii Five-O" launches, and give the CW some synergistic brownie points with its sibling network.
For those of you who may not seen this series here is some info about it:
The pilot introduces Mick St. John, a private investigator who has been a vampire for over fifty years. Mick meets Beth Turner, a reporter for the online newspaper BuzzWire, at the scene of the murder of a young woman. Mick and Beth begin investigating the crime together, helping each other to catch the killer. Flashbacks to 22 years ago show a domestic fight between Mick and his ex-wife Coraline Duvall over a kidnapped girl. Mick lights the house on fire and rescues the girl, leaving Coraline to the fire. It is revealed that the little girl has grown up to be Beth, and that Mick has tried to watch over her and keep her safe over the years. In the present, Beth discovers that Mick is a vampire, and Mick reveals how one becomes a vampire and tells her the story of how he was turned on his wedding night by his ex-wife, Coraline.
Beth asks Mick to help her friend Morgan find her stolen cameras. When he meets her, Mick is completely shocked; Morgan is identical to his ex-wife, Coraline. He becomes even more confused when his vampiric sense of smell tells him that Morgan is human. Mick tries to expose Morgan as Coraline, but finally comes to believe that she is a doppelgänger when he sees that she does not have the fleur de lis tattoo on her shoulder as Coraline did. When alone, Morgan scrubs away the heavy makeup that has been covering her fleur de lis tattoo. Beth snoops through Mick's property, and finds out Mick was the one who protected her as a little girl when she was kidnapped. Morgan goes with Mick to his apartment to clean up after almost getting hit by a car. Mick joins her in the shower and finally sees the tattoo on her shoulder, revealing her identity as Coraline. When Beth learns that Morgan is really Coraline, the lady who kidnapped her as a child, she goes to Mick's apartment and stabs her through the heart with a wooden stake, not realizing that she has become human. Coraline goes to hospital, but recovers and leaves after being revealed to be a vampire again. Beth's boyfriend Josh is kidnapped by a dangerous Los Angeles-based gang. Mick and Beth witness the event and drive after him, but Josh is shot. Beth realizes that Josh is dying, and begs Mick to turn him into a vampire; he refuses and Josh dies. While putting Josh's affairs in order, Beth discovers that Josh was about to propose to her.
Mick encounters two vampires who are looking for Coraline. Once they leave, Mick visits his vampire friend Josef, who tells him that one of them was Lance (David Merheb), a rich and powerful vampire. Mick finds Coraline at a storage facility working on a compound for the vampire cure. Coraline explains that during the French Revolution there were seven siblings of royal blood who were vampires, two of which were Lance and Coraline. She then uses the compound to cure Mick's vampirism, although Lance arrives and takes her away. Mick enjoys life as a human, although the cure is only temporary. Beth's boss at BuzzWire is killed, and a new assistant district attorney named Benjamin Talbot (Eric Winter) investigates the murder. Mick and Beth discuss the problems of having a romantic relationship, and although they end up kissing, Mick tells her he needs time to figure things out. Photos of Mick getting hit by a vehicle find their way into the hands of Talbot. Mick and Beth decide to start a romantic relationship, and go to a restaurant for their first date. After quitting BuzzWire and becoming unemployed, Talbot offers Beth a job as a civilian investigator. Talbot receives a list of names of all the vampires in the area, including Mick, from an unknown source. Beth tells Mick that she cannot continue to date Mick because of their vampire-human situation, but Mick says that he loves her and they kiss.
1. No Such Thing as Vampires
2. Out of the Past
3. Dr. Feelgood
4. Fever
5. Arrested Development
6. B.C.
7. The Ringer
8. 12:04 AM
9. Fleur de Lis
10. Sleeping Beauty
11. Love Lasts Forever
12. The Mortal Cure
13. Fated to Pretend
14. Click
15. What's Left Behind
16. Sonata
Cancellation Info: Les Moonves, President of CBS, stated on December 4, 2007 that Moonlight was likely to return for a second season. Due to the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike, production of the series was halted by December 19, 2007,and only twelve episodes of the original thirteen-episode order were produced. Once the Writers' Strike ended, CBS announced that Moonlight would return April 25, 2008 with four new episodes, to be part of the series' first season. On May 13, 2008, CBS announced that Moonlight was officially cancelled. Following the CBS cancellation, Warner Bros. Television inquired with other outlets about their interest in the series. One of the outlets approached was Media Rights Capital, which is responsible for The CW's Sunday night programming, although it decided not to acquire the series. It was later reported that Syfy was considering picking up the series. Writer and executive producer Harry Werksman said that "talks" were under way for a second season, and noted the possibility of a film. On June 23, 2008, James Hibberd of The Hollywood Reporter reported that efforts to sell Moonlight to another network had failed, and that the series was permanently cancelled.
I have to say that this show was very very good!!! If it wasn't for to darn writer's strike I think it would have had a great chance with it's continuation. Every so often SyFy has a mini marathon of the Moonlight episodes. It would be fantastic if the CW would be able to resurrect this show and continue it from where it left off because let me tell you, the finale had my daughter and I at the edge of our seats and we just could not wait till the next season(which never came) to she what was going to happen! So please CW, get back Sophia Myles(Beth), Alex O'Loughlin(Mick St. John), and Jason Dohring(Josef Kostan) and continue where we left off!! I can pretty much guarantee you will make many many fans extremely happy!!!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Breaking Dawn: Novel
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Publish Date: August 2,2008
Number of Pages: 756
In the fourth and final novel of the Twilight series by Meyer, Breaking Dawn is split into three separate parts. The first part details Bella's marriage and honeymoon with Edward, which they spend on a private island off the coast of Brazil. Two weeks into their honeymoon, Bella realizes that she is pregnant and that her condition is progressing at an unnaturally accelerated rate. After contacting Carlisle, who confirms her pregnancy, she and Edward immediately return home to Forks, Washington. Edward, concerned for Bella's life and convinced that the fetus is a monster as it continues to develop with unnatural rapidity, urges her to have an abortion. However, Bella feels a connection with the child and refuses.
The novel's second part is written from the perspective of wolf shape-shifter Jacob Black, and lasts throughout Bella's pregnancy and childbirth. Jacob's Quileute wolf pack, not knowing what danger the unborn child may pose, plan to destroy it, also killing Bella. Jacob vehemently protests this decision and leaves, forming his own pack with Leah and Seth Clearwater. Bella soon gives birth, but the baby breaks many of her bones and she loses massive amounts of blood. In order to save her life, Edward changes her into a vampire by injecting his venom into her heart. Jacob, who was present for the birth, almost immediately "imprints"—an involuntary response in which a shape-shifter finds his soul mate—on Edward and Bella's newborn daughter, Renesmee. This ends the enmity between Jacob and the Cullens, leading Edward and Jacob to regard each other as brothers.
The third section of Breaking Dawn shifts back to Bella's perspective, finding her changed into a vampire and enjoying her new life and abilities. However, the vampire Irina misidentifies Renesmee as an "immortal child", a child who has been turned into a vampire. Because "immortal children" are uncontrollable, creating them has been outlawed by the Volturi. After Irina presents her allegation to the Volturi, they plan to destroy Renesmee and the Cullens. In an attempt to survive, the Cullens gather other vampire clans from around the world to stand as witnesses and prove to the Volturi that Renesmee is not an immortal child. Upon confronting the gathered Cullen allies and witnesses, the Volturi discover that they have been misinformed and immediately execute Irina for her mistake. However, they remain undecided on whether Renesmee should be viewed as a threat to vampires' secret existence. At that time, Alice and Jasper, who had left prior to the confrontation, return with a Mapuche called Nahuel, a 150-year-old vampire-human crossbreed like Renesmee. He demonstrates that the crossbreeds pose no threat, and the Volturi surrender. Edward, Bella and Renesmee return to their home in peace.
Although this is the longest book of the series, I could not put it down I was so hooked. This is my second favorite out of the 4 novels. The wedding and the honeymoon gave me so many nice day and night dreams as if I was actually there, I was Bella of course, but omg!!! And the fact that Bella fought so hard to have the child she and Edward created together reminded me so much as my own fight to have everyone of my children as since I can not carry them to full term and have to be on bed rest the entire pregnancy and go through almost hell and back to make sure they survive. I loved the fact that we got to see so many different types of vampires in this story and the ending battle scene was just unbelievable!!! There was not one thing I can say that I did not like about this novel!!! I am however sad that this series is over and hope and cross my fingers that Meyer somehow figures a way to continue the story so we have more adventure to go through with our beloved Edward, Bella, and Renesmme!!!
Twilight: Novel
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Publication Date: October 5,2005
Number of Pages: 544
In the first Novel of the Twilight series by Meyer, Isabella "Bella" Swan moves from sunny Phoenix, Arizona to rainy Forks, Washington to live with her father, Charlie, while her mother, Renée, travels with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, a minor league baseball player. Bella attracts much attention at her new school and is quickly befriended by several students. Much to her dismay, several boys compete for shy Bella's attention.
When Bella is seated next to Edward Cullen in class on her first day of school, Edward seems utterly repulsed by her. He disappears for a few days, but warms up to Bella upon his return; their new found relationship reaches a climax when Bella is nearly run over by a fellow classmate's van in the school parking lot. Edward saves her life when he instantaneously appears next to her and stops the van with his bare hands.
Bella becomes determined to find out how Edward saved her life, and constantly pesters him with questions. After a family friend, Jacob Black, tells her the local tribal legends, Bella concludes that Edward and his family are vampires who drink animal blood rather than human. Edward confesses that he initially avoided Bella because the scent of her blood was too desirable to him. Over time, Edward and Bella fall in love.
Their relationship is disturbed when another vampire coven arrives in Forks. James, a tracker vampire who is intrigued by the Cullens' relationship with a human, wants to hunt Bella for sport. The Cullens attempt to distract the tracker by splitting up Bella and Edward, and Bella is sent to hide in a hotel in Phoenix. There, Bella receives a phone call from James, who claims to be holding her mother captive. When Bella surrenders herself, James attacks her. Before she is killed, Edward, along with the other Cullens, rescues her and defeats James. Once they realize that James has bitten Bella's hand, Edward successfully sucks the venom from her bloodstream and prevents her from becoming a vampire, after which she is brought to a hospital. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their school prom and Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, but Edward refuses.
I loved this book. It reminded me of my first time falling in love when I was in HS. All those warm butterflies feelings came back and I loved every moment of it. I am still in love with my 1st love Stephen when I was in high school to this day and I never think that will ever change Although I loved this book it is third of my favorite of the 4 novels.
New Moon: Novel
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Publication Date: September 6,2006
Number of Pages: 563
In the second novel of the Twilight series by Meyer, Bella and Edward continue with their dating and falling in love with each other since the previous novel Twilight. On Isabella "Bella" Swan's 18th birthday, Edward Cullen and his family throw her a birthday party. While unwrapping a gift, she gets a paper cut, which causes Edward's adopted brother, Jasper, to be overwhelmed by her blood's scent and attempts to kill Bella. To protect her, Edward decides to end their relationship, and the Cullens move away from Forks leaving Bella very heart-broken and depressed.
In the months that follow, Bella learns that thrill-seeking activities, such as motorcycle riding, allow her to "hear" Edward's voice in her head. She also seeks comfort in her deepening friendship with Jacob Black, a cheerful companion who eases her pain over losing Edward. Bella later discovers that Jacob and other tribe members are shape-shifters who assume gigantic wolf forms. Jacob and his pack protect Bella from the vampire Laurent and also Victoria, who seeks revenge for her dead mate, James, whom the Cullens killed in Twilight.
Meanwhile, a serious miscommunication leads Edward to believe that Bella has killed herself. Distraught over her supposed suicide, Edward flees to Volterra, Italy to provoke the Volturi, vampire royalty who are capable of killing him. Alice and Bella rush to Italy to save Edward, arriving just in time to stop him. Before leaving Italy, the Volturi tell Edward that Bella, a human who knows that vampires exist, must either be killed or transformed into a vampire. When they return to Forks, Edward tells Bella that he has always loved her and only left Forks to protect her. She forgives him, and the Cullens vote in favor of Bella being transformed into a vampire, to Edward's dismay. However, Edward gives Bella a choice: either she lets Carlisle change her after her graduation, or, if Bella agrees to marry him, he will change her himself.
This was a very good book in the fact that it introduced the wolf pack and strengthened Bella and Jacob's relationship. I would say however that out of the four novels this is my 4th favorite book. Even though Jacob was great, I was missing Edward way to The Volturi however was great and Edward's proposal to Bella made my heart stop. But as a very fast reader it did take me the longest to read this book. It just seemed to drag a bit to me so it did not keep at my attention as well as others have. But don't get me wrong it was a very good book, just wished there was more Edward in Can you tell which Team I'm
Eclipse: The Novel
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Publication Date: August 7,2007
Number of Pages: 629
Eclipse is the 3rd novel in the Twilight Series by Meyer. The story continues with Edward and Bella regaining their relationship after it was almost lost forever in the previous novel New Moon. Trouble seems to yet again find them when Seattle, Washington is being plagued by a string of unsolved murders, which The Cullens suspect may be caused by a new vampire that is unable to control its thirst for human blood. As Edward and Bella apply to colleges, Bella explains to Edward her desire to see her friend, Jacob Black, a werewolf. Although Edward fears for her safety, Bella insists that neither Jacob nor his wolf pack would ever harm her, and after a bit of consideration Edward understands and supports Bella's decision. In the meantime Bella seems to have had an unwanted visitor in her room who has taken a few of her personal effects for reasons unknown. With the fear of Bella's life in danger, the Cullens and the Quilette Wolf pack come together to protect and guard Bella so as no harm can come to her.
As Graduation approaches and Jacob and Edward both confess their love for Bella which causes a love triangle of the three that becomes a fight to see who can win Bella's heart, Bella and the Cullens soon realize that the Seattle murders are being committed due to someone building an "army" of newborn vampires. They soon realize that the visitor, and the newborns may not be a coincidence after all and soon come to the conclusion that this is a master plan controlled by Victoria for her revenge on Edward and Bella. The Cullens join forces again with the wolf pack to combat this threat. As everyone else prepares for battle, Edward, Bella, and Jacob camp in the mountains to keep Bella safe and hidden during the battle, where they are later joined by Seth Clearwater, a young wolf pack member, to wait out the fight.
In the morning, Jacob becomes upset when he overhears Edward and Bella discussing her acceptance to Edwards proposal and that they are indeed engaged and threatens to join the fight and get himself killed. To stop him, Bella kisses Jacob and comes to realize that she is in love with him as well. During the battle, Victoria tracks Edward's scent to Bella's forest hiding place, and Edward is forced to fight. After Victoria and her army are successfully destroyed, Bella explains to Jacob that while she loves him, her love for Edward is greater, ending with Edward and Bella going to break the news to Charlie about their Engagement.
Now in my opinion, I feel that this is the best out of all of the four novels, all hands done my favorite out of all of them!!! The story line, the love triangle, the funny situations in parts of the storyline, the battle scenes are what kept me from being able to put this book down. I also liked the fact that Bella was having to face the fact that she was in love with the two men in her life that it made her feel and have to debate which one she just could not live without. On one had she had her best friend Jacob that if she chose him she could remain human and have a true family with children and happiness in a regular, well sort of despite that he was a wolf, normal setting and would not have to lose anything in her human world. Then she had Edward who was a vampire who she loved more then life itself but in order to have a life with him there we many things she would have to give up including her human life. She never could have a family with him since vampires could never have children and she could never be around her human friends and family ever again for they would be in danger if she did. They are two very hard decisions to have to chose between so I can defiantly understand All the feelings that she had to go through to make sure she made the right choice.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
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Friday, May 7, 2010
Love It Or Hate It???!!!
Speaking to the New York Post, Kevin Williamson explained that the episode hints at what is to come in the second season.
"The fans are going to hate us a little bit, but I hope it's in good fun," he said. "[The finale] is founders' day and we bring this chapter of the show - the tomb vampire - to a close."
He continued: "We close the door on a couple chapters - some things are very, very final and won't be coming back."
Williamson refused to say if any characters will be leaving the show in the season finale.
"Well, who knows," he said. "Things are left hanging and others are introduced. We don't introduce a whole new storyline in the last moment, but we do 100% tease several roads we'll be going down next season."
The executive producers of The Vampire Diaries have claimed that the season finale contains shocking character changes.
Speaking to TV Guide magazine, Julie Plec revealed that the episode will focus on John's invention to eliminate vampires.
Her fellow producer Kevin Williamson said: "In the right hands, it can be a very good thing. But in the wrong hands, it can be very bad. It all depends on where your morals lie in regard to vampires."
Plec explained that the news means Damon and Stefan will be in danger, adding: "It's the episode that finally answers the question, 'Will Damon do the right thing and not just what's right for him because of his friendship with Elena?'"
The duo also revealed that Bonnie's relationships with vampires will change, while Jeremy's "life issues" will climax.
Plec concluded: "There are character moves that are so profound and hardcore that they will send fans to summer break either hating us, loving us or a little bit of both."
The Vampire Diaries continues Thursdays at 8pm on The CW in the US and Tuesdays at 9pm on ITV2 in the UK.
Lorena's Back!!!
From 100% True Blood |
Mariana Klavena has revealed details about her return to True Blood.
Klavena plays Bill Compton's maker Lorena but refused to say whether her character was responsible for Bill's abduction at the end of the second season.
However, she told MTV that Lorena and Bill (Stephen Moyer) will have a number of scenes together in the third season.
"We do spend a good deal of time together in season three," she said. "I'm hoping that the fans will be a little bit surprised by it, because there will be some new dynamics in our relationship that are new and [have to deal] with that cliffhanger."
She continued: "I think you'll see some sides of Lorena that will surprise you. She'll be in certain situations where you think she'll do something and she will not."
Klavena promised more flashbacks and suggested that "succubus costumes" will make a return to the show.
She also hinted that Lorena and Bill's relationship will change.
"I think you can definitely expect much more turbulence between them," she said. "But it's not out of the realm of possibility for them to see each other in new ways. I don't know if they'll ever be at peace with each other, but there might be some real, heartfelt connection."
True Blood will return for its third season in the US on Sunday, June 13.
Eclipse Not Just a Chick Flick????
From 100% True Blood |
Twilight star Kellan Lutz has said that the next movie in the series will appeal to men.
Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, Lutz claimed that male audiences will enjoy the stunts and action sequences in the upcoming The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.
"The guys are going to bring their girlfriends to this one, mark my words," the 25-year-old said.
"There's a lot of fighting, a lot of cool stunts. It's a little darker. The stuff I've seen so far is amazing. Amazing. The music is great. Everything is just really captivating. I'm excited to see it, and I'm excited for the fans to see it."
Eclipse arrives in US cinemas in June.
Clarke to Return???
From 100% True Blood |
The executive producer of The Vampire Diaries has revealed that he would love Melinda Clarke to return for the next season.
Clarke appeared in several episodes of the current run as Kelly Donovan, Matt and Vickee's absentee mother.
She is now working on a pilot for The CW but producer Kevin Williamson has revealed that he would like to feature her character again.
"She was very much one of the characters we didn't get to fully explore, so I would welcome her back," he told the New York Post. "We have a whole backstory to her character and her involvement with Mayor Lockwood that we just never ever began to touch on because of time."
Williamson added: "If she's willing to come to play, we have more story to tell with her."
The Vampire Diaries continues Thursdays at 8/7c on The CW in the US and Tuesdays at 9pm on ITV2 in the UK
Vampire Diaries Music S1 Ep 5
2. Down - Jason Walker
3. Enjoy The Silence - Anberlin
4. Fader - The Temper Trap
5. Stood Up - A Fine Frenzy
6. Weight of the World - Editors
Vmapire Diaries Music S1 Ep4
2. Beauty of the Dark - Mads Langer
3. Boom - Anjulis
4. Don't Trust Me - 3OH!3
5. Save the Lives - Gabriella Cilmi
6. Wait It Out - Imogen Heap
7. When A Heart Breaks - S.O. Stereo
Vampire Diaries Music S1 Ep 3
2. Back In Time - V.V.Brown
3. Believer - Viva Voce
4. Brightest Hour ( Morgan Page Remix) - The Submarines
5. Fallout - Sofi Bonde
6. I'm A Lady - Santigold
7. I'm Not Over - Carolina Liar
8. Oppisite Direction - Union of Knives
9. Shadows of Ourselves - Thievery Corporation
10. Wild Place - Glass Pear
Vampire Diaries Music S1 Ep2
2. Can't Fight It - Oh Mercy
3. Papillion - The Airbourne Toxic Event
4. Slow Poison - The Bravery
5. Starstruckk - 3Oh!3
6. Strange Times - The Black Keys
7. Temptation - Moby
8. You're A Wolf - Sea Wolf
Vampire Diaries: Founder's Day
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From 100% True Blood |
Airdate: May 13,2010
Founder's Day has finally arrived, and everyone is busy with last-minute preparations for floats and fireworks. Stefan is uncomfortable with Damon's new attitude toward Elena, but Elena is more concerned about repairing her relationship with Jeremy.
Jeremy is worried about Anna, but not sure he's on board with her latest plan for the future. While Caroline is enjoying her day as Queen of the celebration, she also tries to help Matt and Tyler get their friendship back on track. Finally, although Damon and Alaric do their best to stop him, Johnathan Gilbert sets a plan in motion that brings Founder's Day to an end amid chaos, destruction and death.
Vampire Diaries: Isobel
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From 100% True Blood |
Airdate: May 6,2010
Isobel returns to town and stuns Alaric with her attitude and her demands that he arrange a meeting with Elena. When mother and daughter finally meet, Isobel refuses to answer most of Elena's questions, but reveals that she will stop at nothing to find the mysterious invention Johnathan Gilbert has been searching for. Isobel's dangerous actions lead Stefan, Damon and Bonnie to step in and help Elena deal with the situation.
Vampire Diaries: Blood Brothers
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From 100% True Blood |
Airdate: April 29,2010
While Stefan struggles to come to terms with his past, both he and Damon reveal parts of their history to Elena, until she finally learns the truth about how they became vampires. Pearl has an ugly confrontation with Johnathan Gilbert.
Damon and Alaric try to find a mysterious invention before Johnathan does. The friendship and flirtation between Jeremy and Anna continues to grow.
Vampire Diaries: Miss Mystic Falls
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From 100% True Blood |
Airdate: April 22,2010
At the Founder's Day Gala, Elena and Caroline compete for the title of "Miss Mystic Falls" against other girls from town, including Tina Fell and Amber Bradley. Elena is happy to have Bonnie back in town, but Bonnie still has issues to work through.
John Gilbert attempts to intimidate Damon, but his plan doesn't have the desired effect. Damon discovers that Stefan is hiding a dangerous secret that could impact everyone in town.
Vampire Diaries: Under Control
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From 100% True Blood |
Airdate: April 15,2010
While Stefan struggles to control his new situation, Elena and Jeremy are surprised by a visit from their uncle, John Gilbert. Alaric has an awkward talk with Elena about Isobel. At a Founder's Day event, Stefan displays a rare party attitude and Damon's attempt to find out why Uncle John has returned to town takes an ugly turn.
An incident at the party causes trouble between Matt and Tyler, and the relationship between Matt and his mother, Kelly, reaches a new low. Meanwhile, Elena's effort to comfort Jeremy falls short and he decides to take matters into his own hands.
Vampire Diaries: Let the Right One In
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From 100% True Blood |
Airdate: April 8,2010
When Stefan and Damon make a dangerous new enemy, Stefan suddenly finds himself in a perilous situation. Damon and Elena try to convince Alaric to work with them to help Stefan. Matt is hopeful that his mom, Kelly, may be back to stay. After her car breaks down in a storm, Caroline make a horrific discovery that shocks everyone in town.
Vampire Diaries: There Goes the Neighborhood
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From 100% True Blood |
Airdate: April 1,2010
Anna brings a surprising guest along when she pays a visit to Damon. Elena and Stefan go on an awkward double date with Caroline and Matt, but Stefan and Matt find they have some common ground.
Jenna reunites with her old friend Kelly, and Jeremy's relationship with Anna takes an unexpected direction.