Hal (Damien Molony) is a vampire born in the late 15th century to a prostitute in a brothel but he has claimed he didn´t know which was his mother but loved them all nevertheless. He was turned in the Battle of Orsha by his commanding officer. Since meeting best friends Leo (a werewolf) and Pearl (a ghost) in 1955, Hal has managed to stay off the blood by sticking to a rigid structure and keeping away from all people. Coming to Honolulu Heights is a huge disruption for Hal. And he doesn’t cope well with disruption. At first, Hal – the stand-offish, posh vampire – and Tom – the common, feral werewolf – find themselves at loggerheads, but once a mutual respect is gained, we see this odd couple become close.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Hal (Damien Molony) is a vampire born in the late 15th century to a prostitute in a brothel but he has claimed he didn´t know which was his mother but loved them all nevertheless. He was turned in the Battle of Orsha by his commanding officer. Since meeting best friends Leo (a werewolf) and Pearl (a ghost) in 1955, Hal has managed to stay off the blood by sticking to a rigid structure and keeping away from all people. Coming to Honolulu Heights is a huge disruption for Hal. And he doesn’t cope well with disruption. At first, Hal – the stand-offish, posh vampire – and Tom – the common, feral werewolf – find themselves at loggerheads, but once a mutual respect is gained, we see this odd couple become close.
Tomas McNair
Thomas McNair (Michael Socha) was a young twenty-something werewolf, living a nomadic life in a camper van with his adopted father McNair. Their lifestyles as itinerant vampire killers has left Thomas socially isolated and dreaming of making a family with "the pack" of werewolves whom McNair claims exist somewhere. Although Thomas had lived his life believing that he was McNair's son, born a werewolf (and that his mother had died during a vampire attack), Nina's subsequent examination of his blood revealed that he was actually the child of a random couple McNair had attacked during an early transformation in Cornwall. McNair subsequently took him in out of conscience as he realised that he had 'infected' the boy with the werewolf 'contagion'. Although he was briefly attracted to Nina, he pushed this aside after he learned the truth about the nature of the 'wolf'. Initially angry at McNair for lying to him about his past, the two appeared to reconcile after McNair and Mitchell rescued Thomas, George and Nina from a cage-fight, although he seems to be more interested in making his own way.[10] Following McNair's death at the hands of Herrick, Thomas is once again orphaned. Despite McNair's last wish being that Thomas does not carry on his adoptive father's feud against vampires, the grief-stricken Thomas pursues Herrick and Mitchell to avenge McNair's death, killing at least two vampires along the way, although he is prevented from taking full vengeance due to a Mexican stand-off involving a threat to George.
Following McNair’s death, Tom stays in Barry and is welcomed into Honolulu Heights, putting his nomadic life and his mission to kill all vampires (mostly!) behind him, and trying to learn to live like a human, love like a human and fight like a human.
Nina Pickering Season 3
During her first transformation at their new home, Nina and George apparently have sex while in wolf form, despite George's belief that one of them would kill the other if they transformed in close proximity to each other. She later assists George in helping the permanently teenage vampire Adam, the two briefly contemplating taking over responsibility for Adam after his parents' deaths from old age before Adam departs to make his own way, wanting to explore his own independence without being a burden on them like he was on his parents. After learning that she was pregnant as a result of her and George's intercourse while in wolf form, Nina admits that her mother abused her when she was a child, contemplating terminating the pregnancy both because she fears the consequences of two werewolves creating a child and because she is afraid of repeating her mother's treatment of her. However, after the 'zombie' Sasha admitted that her only regret was missing so many moments in life because she was more focused on the present than the future, Nina decided to keep the baby. Although they have not yet been able to determine what the baby will look like when born, or if it will 'inherit' the werewolf 'gene', Nina has apparently kept the baby despite the stress of her first pregnant transformation, although it is unclear how this will work as her condition progresses. Following a confrontation between Mitchell and Nina over Herrick's fate, along with Herrick's subsequent discovery of a 'diary' of Mitchell's recent murders, Mitchell has begun to suspect that Nina is the werewolf that is 'prophesied' to kill him.
When George and Nina arranged an ultrasound to examine their baby, the nurse carrying out the operation noted that Nina appeared to be sixteen weeks along rather than the eight she believed, but George speculated that this was just the result of werewolves gestating faster than humans, much like conventional wolves. However, Nina was subsequently stabbed by the now-restored Herrick after Mitchell was arrested by the police, Herrick wanting to make George suffer like he did when George killed him, expressing regret at attacking and stabbing Nina after she was the only person in the house to show him kindness. Fortunately, Annie was able to convince Lia to help her save Nina and the baby after convincing her that revenge couldn't solve anything.
Nina Pickering Season 2
She and George go through tough times during the first episode in season 2, which concludes with Nina revealing her scratch marks to George and that she is now a werewolf as well, during an argument. In episode 2 of the second series, Nina and George try to make things work, but Nina leaves George upon discovering that he helped a vampire who killed his own lover escape the country, subsequently being contacted by the mysterious Kemp and participating in research for a werewolf 'cure' (Unaware that Kemp's experiment with a hyperbaric chamber would have killed her if it weren't for the intervention of Professor Lucy Jaggat). While George and Mitchell are willing to be around Lucy after her true agenda is exposed, Nina is furious that she was willing to lead them to their deaths and harboured an intense dislike for her. She moves to Wales with George and Mitchell after Annie goes through the door.
Nina Pickering Season 1
Nina Pickering (Sinead Keenan) is a senior staff nurse at the hospital in which Mitchell and George work, with a fiery and strong manner that can be intimidating. She initially views George as a bumbling, arrogant fool, but falls for him later after seeing his more caring side with the patients. When they start going out, Nina reveals burn scarring over a large portion of her stomach. While Nina and George eventually fall in love, George struggles with having another person in his life he can potentially hurt and tries to distance himself several times. However, their fates become entwined permanently in the series 1 finale, when George inadvertently scratches Nina during a transformation, passing the werewolf curse onto her as well.
John Mitchell Season 3
When Mitchell enters Purgatory to rescue Annie – following a terminally ill patient at the hospital where George and Nina now work through the Door after his demise -, he learns that the time and date of his death has been confirmed, and he will be killed by a werewolf at some unspecified- but apparently not-too-distant- future date, although he later comments to Annie that he doesn't believe a word of what he heard. Although haunted by both the 'prophecy' of his death and the continued police hunt for the person responsible for the 'Box Tunnel Twenty' massacre, Mitchell rejected an offer to depart Britain to live with the vampire 'Old Ones', commenting during a talk with permanently teenage vampire Adam that his friends help him remain clean as their goodness inspires him by forcing him to think about the disappointment they would feel if he succumbed to his thirst. After a confrontation with vampire 'fan' Graham, Mitchell tried to tell Annie the truth about the tunnel massacre, but Annie simply told him that whatever he had to tell her didn't matter, assuring him that all she wanted was the man he was now and that what he'd done in the past didn't matter compared to what he'd done for her and George, the two subsequently kissing. Although Annie tries to find ways for their relationship to become physical at first, Mitchell admits that he actually prefers their current bond, as sex has always been about violence rather than love with him, and he prefers for his relationship with Annie to be 'pure' and apart from that.
Despite some tension with werewolf vampire-hunter McNair due to Mitchell's concerns regarding the 'prophecy' of his death- although he claims to Annie that he doesn't believe in fate-, Mitchell and McNair reached a certain understanding when they worked together to save George and Nina from a group of vampires, although McNair still feels that Mitchell's sins will catch up to him eventually. When Herrick returns to life, Mitchell initially attempts to stake him- particularly after Cara stakes herself before she can tell Mitchell how she and Daisy brought Herrick back-, but is convinced by George to let Herrick live on the grounds that he deserves the same chances everyone has given Mitchell. When Annie learns about Mitchell's role in the massacre, she tearfully convinced him to allow himself to be arrested, Mitchell going along with it to prove his love for her even as he tries to escape being processed due to the risks if his true nature is exposed.
Although Herrick released Mitchell- revealing in the process that his resurrection was aided by the fact that he was torn apart rather than just being staked-, Mitchell finally staked Herrick when he concluded that he had seen and done enough in his life. With the news that another man had been framed for the Box Tunnel Twenty he returned to the house to ask George to kill him, recognising that whoever had set up that frame would want a favour later and wanting to free his friends of the taint he had brought to their lives. He is then killed by George, after The Old Ones' attempt to use Mitchell to do their dirty work (work spelled out by old one Wyndham). George's last words to Mitchell are: "I'm doing this because I love you", to which Mitchell responds "I know".
John Mitchell Season 2
In episode 3 of series 2 Mitchell has become the new "king" of the vampire group in Bristol, hiding evidence of their feedings, recreating their human front and intending to wean them off blood, although his activities are hampered by such problems as Ivan – his oldest apparent 'recruit' – being unable to completely forsake blood after so long, forcing him to allow Ivan to feed in secret while maintaining his public front. After the deaths of his vampire group by an explosion at the funeral parlour, subsequently receiving confirmation that they have been betrayed by the coroner despite a deal he had made, Mitchell realises that he has wasted his time trying to hide his blood lust and goes on a frenzy with Daisy, the now-widow of Ivan. Paying a last visit to George and Annie, he briefly seems to return to normal when warning George to stay away from cities in future before returning to his more arrogant, blood-crazed ways. A confrontation with a priest while searching for Lucy reminds him that George saw him as a good man when he was injured by Herrick, and reveals Lucy's connection to the organisation that seeks to 'cure' George and Annie. Finding the organisation's headquarters, Mitchell confronts Lucy, countering her claims that he and his kind are evil with both the theological argument that God made them just as he made mankind and by pointing out that she killed despite having a choice, but he nevertheless refuses to kill her or Kemp. He later shows evident grief when Lucy is killed by Kemp.
John Mitchell Season 1
John Mitchell (Aidan Turner),is a 117-year-old vampire (born on 29 July 1893)[8] with the appearance of a young man in his twenties. He has chosen to give up drinking blood and preying on humans, attempting instead (insofar as it is possible) to become human again. Like other vampires, Mitchell has enhanced strength and sense of smell, and his eyes turn completely dark when he has blood lust or when he wills it; though it appears that he is slightly weaker when he abstains from drinking blood, he can survive without it. His image can't be captured on film and he has no reflection in mirrors. Although he can survive daylight, his eyes are overly-sensitive to natural light, prompting him often to wear sunglasses outside in the daytime. He often wears dark clothing, rings and fingerless gloves. Publicly quiet and calm, he works as a hospital cleaner ( a deliberate choice, as it's a low-status, low profile job which enables him to live quietly with the minimum of commitments or chances of exposure). Mitchell is almost always referred to by his surname by his friends.
Born in 1893 and Irish by birth, Mitchell fought as a young soldier in World War I, when he was originally recruited as a vampire by William Herrick. He encountered Herrick after a battle, stumbled upon him and several other vampires who were picking through piles of bodies for anyone living to feed on. Mitchell agreed to feed Herrick and become a vampire in exchange for Herrick leaving the rest of his men alone. He rejoined his regiment, hoping that no one had realised that he's changed, but became so hungry that he steals poison from the medical supplies, kills one of his friends and drains his blood before deserting the army and running away. At some later point he rejoined Herrick and the vampire community, accepting his new vampire nature.
In his early years as a vampire (and before his conscience was reawakened), Mitchell was quite a hero within the vampire community, who still circulate stories of his exploits amongst themselves. These seem to be a cause of great guilt for Mitchell who has asked Herrick to stop the retelling of the stories as he would prefer to be forgotten.[9] At several points, he has faced a conflict of emotions as he debates whether to 'convert' people dying around him to prevent their deaths. In the 1960s, Herrick gave Mitchell the opportunity to kill a young girl that they had lured into their car. Mitchell showed guilt and anger at the easiness of the kill and let her go. He told Herrick that she had escaped, prompting the suspicious Herrick to say that he would keep a closer eye on Mitchell.[6] Mitchell has attempted several times to abstain from drinking blood (one attempt was a New Year resolution for 2000, with the aid of a fellow vampire called Carl). At this time, Mitchell showed an extreme addiction to blood, as well as heightened aggression, lack of control and extreme panic due to blood withdrawal.
Mitchell's reluctant rescue of the werewolf George from a squad of fellow vampires, and the subsequent development of their friendship, further awakened his conscience, and he eventually opted to drift away from the vampire group in Bristol and to join George in living quietly. After 'converting' Lauren into a vampire (as covered in both the pilot episode and Series One Episode 1), Mitchell, infuriated at himself, decided to fully give up the blood and to attempt "being human" once more. He continues to take care of George, particularly around the full moon when George transforms.
George Sands Season 3
Having relocated to Barry Island, George and Nina have started work at a new hospital, using the basement room of their new house for one of them to remain during the full moon. However, despite George's belief that he or Nina would kill the other if they transformed next to each other, the two of them apparently had sex while in wolf form. When Nina discovered the permanently-teenage vampire Adam as his elderly father was admitted to the hospital shortly before his death, she and George briefly contemplated taking over responsibility for Adam after his parents' deaths- George speculating that they pretend that Adam was his brother until he and Nina were old enough for them to introduce him as their son-, but Adam departs to make his own way, wanting to explore his own independence without being a burden on them like he was on his parents. As a result of their sexual intercourse while in wolf form, George and Nina are now expecting a baby. Following Herrick's resurrection, despite his knowledge of what Herrick was in the past, George refuses to allow Mitchell to stake Herrick as he wants to be the kind of father who can legitimately teach his child about redemption and forgiveness, feeling that the now-amnesic Herrick deserves the same chance as they have given Mitchell.
When Annie found a death notice for George's father in the paper, George attended the funeral and encountered what he believed was his father's ghost, only to subsequently learn that his father had actually faked his death after a homeless man burnt to death in his shed after his wife had an affair with George's old P.E. teacher. George and Nina were able to convince him to assert himself in his relationship with his wife, the two resuming their relationship with a trip to Cornwall (although they apparently believe that George has H.I.V. rather than that he is a werewolf).
With the discovery that Mitchell was responsible for the Box Tunnel Twenty, he returned to the house to ask George to kill him, wanting to ensure that he couldn't kill anyone else and that George was freed from the 'taint' of helping him escape the consequences of his past sins. Understandably George is reluctant to kill his best mate but when vampire, Edgar Wyndham, states out his intent to use Mitchell as an 'attack dog', George carries out Mitchell's request and kills him, telling Mitchell that he is "doing this because he loves him."
George Sands Season 2
George attempted to find new ways of coping with his 'condition' in Series Two while trying to take action to lead a normal life. This included such measures as caging himself and taking tranquilisers before transforming – but this apparently only made the wolf angrier, resulting in uncontrollable swearing and a more brutal mentality in his human form, as though the wolf was trying to 'get out' in revenge for being 'chained'. Matters became even worse when he accompanied Sam, his new girlfriend, to her daughter Molly's Parents' Evening, only to nearly transform at the school because he was unaware that the clocks had gone back; although he managed to maintain control of himself long enough to get back to the flat and be locked in his cage by Annie, Molly's subsequent terror after seeing him mid-transformation prompted George to look into a cure for his condition once again, only to change his mind once again when Annie reminds him that he will be unable to see her as a human. He reunites with Nina, and they leave the chamber after finding a message from Tully written at the bottom of one of the walls: 'George, all the werewolves die.' He and Nina watch Annie being forced through the door and they, and Mitchell, later move to Wales because they are unable to stay in the house after losing Annie.
George Sands Season 1
George Sands Junior (Russell Tovey),is a young werewolf in his mid-twenties, and Mitchell's best friend. He also shared a close, sibling-like friendship with Annie. Less socially adept than Mitchell, he is considerably more intellectual, possessing an IQ of 156 and being able to speak French, German, Italian, Spanish and Croatian. George grew up in an average suburban household with what he considered to be a very straightforward family, including a father who possessed none of the handicaps or problems such as alcoholism or gambling which George saw in other peoples' fathers. (He would reflect later on that at the time he had never realised how important 'boring' could be.) George is Jewish and wears a Star of David pendant.[5] The pendant is able to hold back one or two vampires, but in greater numbers it becomes less effective; Mitchell is apparently immune to it due to the personal connection between him and George. It was mentioned in the pilot, however, that George is a lapsed Jew as he believes the faith frowns upon someone turning into a werewolf.
George became a werewolf while on holiday in Scotland. He was about to go out for a walk when an American tourist, not knowing his way around, invited himself along after George reluctantly let him. They both got lost as night fell and were attacked by a werewolf – later revealed to be a man named Tully, who later came looking for him in search of companionship – who killed the tourist and scratched George, who survived when the rescue services found him.[6] After becoming a werewolf, George left his family, his job and his fiancée, afraid of hurting them. He works alongside Mitchell as a porter in the local hospital, unable to hold down a more permanent job due to his monthly transformations, which are extremely painful.
George resents being a werewolf to the extent that he is essentially in denial about his condition, often referring to it as 'that thing that happens to me once a month'. For the whole of Series 1, he attempted to view his wolf side as an entirely different entity – when referring to his wolf self, he never used 'I' or 'me', only an impersonal 'it'; His denial ends after the last episode of the first season, when he takes responsibility for his actions as a wolf after accidentally scratching Nina during a transformation whilst trying to protect her from the vampire Herrick.
Annie Sawyer Season 3
Trailing series 3, Annie appeared in a series of videos on the BBC website, sending messages from the other side. In the final one, viewers saw that she was being sent to hell, with the gatekeepers making a special room for her and burning the key. However, she is subsequently permitted to leave with Mitchell when he enters Purgatory to recover her. Lia – Mitchell's spiritual guide- informs her that the complications were caused by her entering the afterlife through the 'wrong door', although noting that she will still have to come back through the right one eventually. Upon returning from Purgatory, Annie is reunited with George and Nina in the quartet's new home in Barry Island, Wales.
Overwhelmed with gratitude to Mitchell for having rescuing her, Annie begins to fall for him and appoints herself as his guardian angel. Although her first attempts at helping him end in disaster, she manages to get him a job. On a celebratory walk on the seafront, Mitchell tells her she must stop defining herself by what she does for other people, but Annie opposes this, expressing that it was he, George and Nina that she came back for and that if it wasn't for them she might as well be in Purgatory. After learning that Mitchell's journey into Purgatory to rescue her had resulted in the creation of at least five zombie-like beings – dead bodies who nevertheless continued walking and talking – Annie attempted to help Sasha, the last surviving 'zombie', adapt to her current state. She providing Sasha with a makeover to conceal the worst of her decay, and when this failed, remained with Sasha as her body finally collapses. After this, Mitchell's resistance to Annie's love weakens, and he attempts to tell her the truth about his recent actions (including the Box Tunnel Massacre). Annie stops him before he can confess, assuring him that – regardless of the terrible things he'd done in his past – all she cares about was the man he was now. The two subsequently kiss and embark on a full partnership.
However, attempts by Annie and Mitchell to develop a sex life are unsuccessful. Annie attempts to bypass the problem by suggesting that Mitchell has a one-night-stand while Annie 'shares' the experience with the woman. This plan backfires when Mitchell's vampire instincts take over and he attempts to drain the woman's blood, although he stops himself. After sending the woman away, he admits to Annie that he's actually content to have a non-physical relationship with her (as sex has always been about violence with him rather than love) and that he regards their relationship as something 'pure'. Things took a turn for the worse when Annie finally learned that Mitchell had been involved in the Box Tunnel 20 Massacre. Devastated, she convinced Mitchell to let himself be arrested despite the wider dangers if his true nature is discovered.
In the third series final, Annie learns of Mitchell's "wolf-shaped bullet" and that it was the price of her return. After discovering Nina injured in the hospital and receiving a message from the other side, she returns to purgatory in the hopes of sacrificing herself to repel the prophecy, but learns from Lia that there was never any prophecy at all. Lia intends to keep Annie in purgatory in order to deprive Mitchell of her – Lia's true revenge on Mitchell. Annie also witnesses the fight Herrick had stirred up between George and Mitchell, and Lia informs her that Mitchell had fulfilled the nonexistent prophecy himself. Annie concludes that Nina must still be alive as she has not passed over, and convinces Lia that her revenge is unjust. Lia allows Annie to depart, and Annie arrives back in the hospital to find Nina alive and still carrying the baby.
Back at the house, Annie, George and Nina find a blood-soaked Mitchell on their doorstep. Mitchell persuades George to kill him and bids farewell to Annie with the words "You were the love of my long life". She replies that he is the love of hers, but before George can stake Mitchell, Wyndall appears and announces that the vampires are taking control of the world. He implies that Annie is a lot stronger than she imagines. But when he says that Mitchell will be used to kill for him, George stakes Mitchell in the heart. Annie, George and Nina watch as their vampire friend disintegrates, then stand together as they warn Wyndall that he has a fight on his hands.
Annie Sawyer Season 2
In Series 2, Annie has found strength and a greater degree of happiness by both dealing with Owen and helping to save her friends. She now begins to develop a greater degree of physical presence, and is able to be seen by more people, to the point where she is able to get a job and develop a couple of tentative romantic relationships. However, before much longer Annie is confronted once more with the Door to Death. This time it is accompanied by voices which communicate from inside the Door and through radio and TV sets, who tell her they need her there. These turn out to be the Gatekeepers, malign entities from the world of the dead who set a trap to force her to cross over. Although she escapes (aided by George), she pays the price of losing the presence she has won, and can no longer be seen or heard by anybody but other supernatural beings.
Despite her disappointments, Annie demonstrates a superior strength of will when dealing with a stage psychic who had lost his gift. Unable to hear ghosts following a stage accident, he can nonetheless hear Annie, speculating that it was her strength of will that allowed him to hear her, with his gift being reawakened by contact with her. Annie was even able to see and say goodbye to her mother during her time with the psychic, folding a paper rose for her mother as she had used to do as a girl after seeing the method explained on Blue Peter.
In the final episode of series 2, Annie is sent to the other side by Kemp, who kills a psychic that had been working with them in order to create a Door for her to pass through. Annie punishes Kemp later by returning unexpectedly through another Door and dragging Kemp back with her. She subsequently manifested on the TV in the group's new house, saying that her current situation was 'complicated', and explaining it as involving a horrifying system of moving continually from waiting room to waiting rooms via a system of calling numbers and signing forms, with her roommates disappearing and cruel laughter being heard from behind closed doors. The series ended with Mitchell, George and Nina promising to find some way to free her.
Annie Sawyer Season 1
Anna Clare Sawyer (Lenora Crichlow), known commonly as "Annie", is a ghost, appearing as she did at the time of her death in her early twenties. Up until her death, she had been living with her fiancé Owen (whom she later revealed had been her third serious relationship, her previous two having ended when her first boyfriend posted naked pictures of her on the Internet and when her second boyfriend drunkenly invited her mother to form a threesome). Following her death, she haunted the house which she and Owen had lived in while she was alive, and which Owen was now running as landlord (eventually renting it out to George and Mitchell).
Annie's ability to be seen and heard by normal people depends on her state of mind, although supernatural creatures can always see her. Annie appears in the clothes she was wearing when she died, which change subtly depending on her mood.[3] She is capable of teleporting herself short distances. For promotional purposes, Annie's condition as a ghost is highlighted in the show's publicity photos with the addition of a glowing aura and a degree of transparency: as seen in the show itself, she has no such additions, appearing just as corporeal as the other characters around her.) When first introduced, Annie was a notably insecure ghost, unwilling to leave the house. Overjoyed to be living with people who could actually see her, she tended to mother Mitchell and George (infuriating George by continually making tea). The reason for her remaining as a ghost was initially unclear, and she spent a lot of her time alternating between finding occupations for her time and emotions or explanations for any "unfinished business" which might be causing her to stay.
Initially, the cause of Annie's death was supposedly that she "fell awkwardly" down the stairs. It was later revealed that she had been blocking out her memories of the fact that Owen had been abusive towards her, and that he himself had killed her after finding thong underwear in her possession. Confronting her and accusing her of infidelity, as an excuse for tormenting her, he had pushed her down the stairs to her death and had flushed the thong down the toilet. (It would stick in the plumbing, eventually causing the rattling in the pipes which led to Annie's regaining of her memories). When Annie discovers her cause of death, she becomes a poltergeist, which allows her to move objects without touching them and turn machines on. At first, it seems that she can't control these newly found abilities, which only activate in times of extreme emotional distress (along with her teleportation).
In Series 1 Episode 5, the Door to Death appears for Annie once she has resolved the issue that was keeping her on earth — her murder. But before she can pass through the Door, Mitchell is stabbed, and she decides to stay to help him. Because of this, she missed her chance to leave and has to stay on earth in her undead state. She can now hear dead people, teleport further distances, and has greater powers of telekinesis, which she describes as "a whole new skill set."
New Faces In Season 4 Being Human(UK)
Paths and Turning Points
"We knew this year was going to be especially tough because of the various cast changes," Whithouse wrote last week in his blog. "Not only would it be our first series without Aidan, but Russell had decided his "Being Human" journey was also coming to an end. The mountain before us seemed even higher than usual.
A New Team
The Eve of War
Season 4 also looks to escalate the fight against the vampire contingent. But the stories won't be wall-to-wall war, as Hal, Annie, and Tom will also be encountering "a sort-of new kind of supernatural" creature, according to Whithouse's veiled blog commentary.
The supporting cast for this new era is also new names leavened by the occasional familiar face from the show's past. Several castin decisions have been announced, including:
•Doctor Who writer and Sherlock star and co-creator Mark Gatiss,
•Harry Potter's Mark Williams (Arthur Weasley) as a character named Regus,
•Craig Roberts (Submarine) reprising his role as teen vampire Adam from season 1,
•Alex Jennings (Prince Charles in The Queen),
•James Lance (No Heroics, Teachers),
•Alex Griffin as Griffin,
•Andrew Gower as Cutler,
•Amanda Abbington (Case Histories),
•Selina Griffiths (Benidorm), and
•Ellie Kendrick (Upstairs Downstairs, Anne in the recent Masterpiece miniseries The Diary of Anne Frank).
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"We knew this year was going to be especially tough because of the various cast changes," Whithouse wrote last week in his blog. "Not only would it be our first series without Aidan, but Russell had decided his "Being Human" journey was also coming to an end. The mountain before us seemed even higher than usual.
A New Team
Damien Molony as Hal
Michael Socha as Tom
"The thing I'm most proud of is the new set of characters," Whithouse wrote. "Damien Molony joins the team as Hal. Hand on heart, I think he's one of the most exciting and versatile actors of his generation. Watching his performance grow over the filming was a joy. Then there's Michael Socha. Promoted from semi-reg to lead cast. If you thought he was good in Series 3, you ain't seen nothing yet. Michael will break your heart this year. And of course beautiful Lenora. Our star. The heart of the show. And this year she gives a truly breathtaking performance."
The Eve of War
Season 4 also looks to escalate the fight against the vampire contingent. But the stories won't be wall-to-wall war, as Hal, Annie, and Tom will also be encountering "a sort-of new kind of supernatural" creature, according to Whithouse's veiled blog commentary.
The supporting cast for this new era is also new names leavened by the occasional familiar face from the show's past. Several castin decisions have been announced, including:
•Doctor Who writer and Sherlock star and co-creator Mark Gatiss,
•Harry Potter's Mark Williams (Arthur Weasley) as a character named Regus,
•Craig Roberts (Submarine) reprising his role as teen vampire Adam from season 1,
•Alex Jennings (Prince Charles in The Queen),
•James Lance (No Heroics, Teachers),
•Alex Griffin as Griffin,
•Andrew Gower as Cutler,
•Amanda Abbington (Case Histories),
•Selina Griffiths (Benidorm), and
•Ellie Kendrick (Upstairs Downstairs, Anne in the recent Masterpiece miniseries The Diary of Anne Frank).
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UK Version (Original) Being o Air Feb 25,2012
Being Human starts its eight-episode season 4 on Saturday, Feb. 25, and will constitute a deliberate departure from the series's origins in the powerful Mitchell-George-Annie dynamic. With Mitchell gone and George on his way out, Being Human has no choice but to embrace its fate and "take you to somewhere we've never been to before," in the words of series creator Toby Whithouse.
What's in store for our supernatural heroes? Season 4 starts with George, Annie, and their previously established vampire-hunter werewolf friend Tom dealing with the aftermath Mitchell's and Nina's death; the restless vampire community and their ruthless overlords, the Old Ones; a newborn baby the vampires think is important--to them; the threatened exposure of werewolves; a malevolent ghost; and, as always, the fundamental agony of monsters trying to live as humans.
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Friday, January 6, 2012
S4 EP8 Spellbound

Picking up right where we left off from last week, Marnie’s coven are chanting attempting expose all the vampires into the sun and poor Jessica looks to become one of their victims. Low and behold Jason comes to her rescue before she can burn to a crispy critter only to find out the because of the spell instead of being grateful for his heroic act he just may become the mid afternoon snack. Right before Jason fears it may be too late for him, Jessica comes to and thanks him for saving her as they have tender moment. Returning Jessica to the cell, Bill is relieved Jessica has not met the sun and tells Jason that they are in his debt while Jason restrains Jessica under silver again for the remainder of the day.

At the Shreveport pack, Alcide and Debbie attend a pack meeting where Marcus stresses to everyone that the pack will not be getting involved in with the war between the vampires and the witches. Alcide does not seem to be all that happy in that decision. As Alcide and Debbie start to leave the get together, Alcide is drawn into stopping a fight between a few pack members and impressing Marcus in the long run.

Sam heads to lunas to explain how sorry he is for his for his brother’s actions and tells her he is out of his life. After being invited in for dinner during the meal Luna’s ex Marcus arrives and starts to pick a fight with same due to being jealous of the fact she is having a relationship with a shifter. After threatening Sam Marcus leaves reassuring Sam it won’t be the last he has seen of him.

Over at Sookie’s she helps take the silver off of Eric since it is no longer daylight. Seeing that he is to week to recover and heal fast enough she offers her blood to heal him. Eric Tells Sookie to silver him if he becomes uncontrollable so as not to harm her, after taking a small about he offers his blood to her telling her that they shall be one! And so the blood bond begins!!!! Eric and Sookie then seem to take a V trip scene where they make lo in a Viking like setting on a bed of fur in the middle of the woods in the snow……I had much more to say about this scene since I was so damn disappointed from the scene that I looked forward to seeing from the books since I read it, and I am talking years of anticipation!!! See here for my rants about it…lol Ugh even more of the trippy sex blah blah. After the V trip, Eric and Sookie have a heartfelt conversation of how they should help the King in this fight because it is the right thing to do convo. Eric tries to convince Sookie to just run away with him so they can live together in forever and professes his love for her.

Jessica has a few dreams while waiting to be unsilvered about her and Hoyt. In her dream she tells Hoyt they no longer can be together all the while Hoyt begs and pleads with her to say with him. Seriously Hoyt be a man lol. Jessica annoyed with how he is reacting smashes Hoyts head onto the table killing him instantly and goes to have sex with Jason. She then wakes up to a human donor that she is to feed on to heal. She then goes home to tell Hoyt that she feels they should in fact break up. Hoyt however, unlike in her dream, is mad as hell and treat her like shit and says some extremely nasty things then rescinds her invitation to prevent her of being inside the house. Hurt and confused, Jessica’s goes over to Jason’s hoping for comfort only to be rejected yet again.

Jason joins up with Andy on a vampire crime scene where Andy, with his V addiction is almost ready to lick the remains of the vampire right off the ground when Jason has to stop him. As Jason is yells at him to pull himself together, Andy has yet another great line stating “Jesus Tits and god America Jason what the fuck is happening to me dud?!” lmao Now that one is right up with last season’s statement “Conscience off Dick on and everything is going to be all right”! King Bill arrives to make a statement on the tragic events of the apparent vampire suicide as to easy the public’s concern for their safety.

Back ate the moon goddess emporium, Marnie/Antonia are outraged at the small outcome of their plans to destroy the vampires. As she rants and raves to Tara, Tara is happy to help in the quest to vanquish all of the undead as she answers the phone. Bill, surprised to hear Tara’s voice, asks to speak with Antonia. He purposes a meeting to establish peace among the vampires and the witches and apologizes for all the wrong doings she had to endure. She accepts and they set up to meet at midnight in the Bon Temps Cemetery.

Meanwhile Tommy sets out to break into Maxine Fortenberry’s house and steels a few items like clothes jewelry and other personal things of hers. At Merlotte’s Arlene and Terry have an argument over Mikey while the strange ghost woman comes to visit him singing him a lullaby in creole when he walks in on her and realizing she is a ghost says screw this and walks back on out of the kitchen. Tommy arrives having shifted into Maxine Fortenberry to meet up with a man to discuss getting money from her property.

Lafayette has a dream back at his house about what happened to the ghost woman and what had happened to her and her newborn child. After he awakes he sees he standing in his living room and before he can do anything to prevent it, she takes over his body. She then goes as layette to the bellefluers where she/he takes Mikey thinking he is her son.

Eric and Sookie visit Bill and pledge their allegiance and convince Bill to let them help in his fight aginst the witches. Knowing he will not convince tm to stay out of it he reltuctantly aggrees and accepts their help. As they meet at the cemetery, Bill and Marnie agree they are not on their own. Sookie is surprised of Tara’s presence but knows what she must do. As Marnie and Bill talk negotiations Sookie hears that a spell is being cast and warns Bill. Eric takes the first actin ripping out a witches heart smiling all along then all hell breaks loose. Knowing all of this is going down Alcide runs in the aid of Sookie hearing the screams on the cemetery. Bill forbids Pam to harm Tara and she asked why he cared with his reply of she knows why. Sookie is shot into the crossfire and Eric and Bill start to run to her aid when Bill is chained in silver and Eric is put under yet another spell from Antonia. Alcide finds Sookie and runs her out of the chaos back to her house, yet little does he know Debbie followed him seeing how he is trying to save sookie after he promised to stay away from her.

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