
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tomas McNair


Thomas McNair (Michael Socha) was a young twenty-something werewolf, living a nomadic life in a camper van with his adopted father McNair. Their lifestyles as itinerant vampire killers has left Thomas socially isolated and dreaming of making a family with "the pack" of werewolves whom McNair claims exist somewhere. Although Thomas had lived his life believing that he was McNair's son, born a werewolf (and that his mother had died during a vampire attack), Nina's subsequent examination of his blood revealed that he was actually the child of a random couple McNair had attacked during an early transformation in Cornwall. McNair subsequently took him in out of conscience as he realised that he had 'infected' the boy with the werewolf 'contagion'. Although he was briefly attracted to Nina, he pushed this aside after he learned the truth about the nature of the 'wolf'. Initially angry at McNair for lying to him about his past, the two appeared to reconcile after McNair and Mitchell rescued Thomas, George and Nina from a cage-fight, although he seems to be more interested in making his own way.[10] Following McNair's death at the hands of Herrick, Thomas is once again orphaned. Despite McNair's last wish being that Thomas does not carry on his adoptive father's feud against vampires, the grief-stricken Thomas pursues Herrick and Mitchell to avenge McNair's death, killing at least two vampires along the way, although he is prevented from taking full vengeance due to a Mexican stand-off involving a threat to George.

Following McNair’s death, Tom stays in Barry and is welcomed into Honolulu Heights, putting his nomadic life and his mission to kill all vampires (mostly!) behind him, and trying to learn to live like a human, love like a human and fight like a human.

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