Picking up right where we left off from last week, Marnie’s coven are chanting attempting expose all the vampires into the sun and poor Jessica looks to become one of their victims. Low and behold Jason comes to her rescue before she can burn to a crispy critter only to find out the because of the spell instead of being grateful for his heroic act he just may become the mid afternoon snack. Right before Jason fears it may be too late for him, Jessica comes to and thanks him for saving her as they have tender moment. Returning Jessica to the cell, Bill is relieved Jessica has not met the sun and tells Jason that they are in his debt while Jason restrains Jessica under silver again for the remainder of the day.

At the Shreveport pack, Alcide and Debbie attend a pack meeting where Marcus stresses to everyone that the pack will not be getting involved in with the war between the vampires and the witches. Alcide does not seem to be all that happy in that decision. As Alcide and Debbie start to leave the get together, Alcide is drawn into stopping a fight between a few pack members and impressing Marcus in the long run.

Sam heads to lunas to explain how sorry he is for his for his brother’s actions and tells her he is out of his life. After being invited in for dinner during the meal Luna’s ex Marcus arrives and starts to pick a fight with same due to being jealous of the fact she is having a relationship with a shifter. After threatening Sam Marcus leaves reassuring Sam it won’t be the last he has seen of him.

Over at Sookie’s she helps take the silver off of Eric since it is no longer daylight. Seeing that he is to week to recover and heal fast enough she offers her blood to heal him. Eric Tells Sookie to silver him if he becomes uncontrollable so as not to harm her, after taking a small about he offers his blood to her telling her that they shall be one! And so the blood bond begins!!!! Eric and Sookie then seem to take a V trip scene where they make lo in a Viking like setting on a bed of fur in the middle of the woods in the snow……I had much more to say about this scene since I was so damn disappointed from the scene that I looked forward to seeing from the books since I read it, and I am talking years of anticipation!!! See here for my rants about it…lol Ugh even more of the trippy sex blah blah. After the V trip, Eric and Sookie have a heartfelt conversation of how they should help the King in this fight because it is the right thing to do convo. Eric tries to convince Sookie to just run away with him so they can live together in forever and professes his love for her.

Jessica has a few dreams while waiting to be unsilvered about her and Hoyt. In her dream she tells Hoyt they no longer can be together all the while Hoyt begs and pleads with her to say with him. Seriously Hoyt be a man lol. Jessica annoyed with how he is reacting smashes Hoyts head onto the table killing him instantly and goes to have sex with Jason. She then wakes up to a human donor that she is to feed on to heal. She then goes home to tell Hoyt that she feels they should in fact break up. Hoyt however, unlike in her dream, is mad as hell and treat her like shit and says some extremely nasty things then rescinds her invitation to prevent her of being inside the house. Hurt and confused, Jessica’s goes over to Jason’s hoping for comfort only to be rejected yet again.

Jason joins up with Andy on a vampire crime scene where Andy, with his V addiction is almost ready to lick the remains of the vampire right off the ground when Jason has to stop him. As Jason is yells at him to pull himself together, Andy has yet another great line stating “Jesus Tits and god America Jason what the fuck is happening to me dud?!” lmao Now that one is right up with last season’s statement “Conscience off Dick on and everything is going to be all right”! King Bill arrives to make a statement on the tragic events of the apparent vampire suicide as to easy the public’s concern for their safety.

Back ate the moon goddess emporium, Marnie/Antonia are outraged at the small outcome of their plans to destroy the vampires. As she rants and raves to Tara, Tara is happy to help in the quest to vanquish all of the undead as she answers the phone. Bill, surprised to hear Tara’s voice, asks to speak with Antonia. He purposes a meeting to establish peace among the vampires and the witches and apologizes for all the wrong doings she had to endure. She accepts and they set up to meet at midnight in the Bon Temps Cemetery.

Meanwhile Tommy sets out to break into Maxine Fortenberry’s house and steels a few items like clothes jewelry and other personal things of hers. At Merlotte’s Arlene and Terry have an argument over Mikey while the strange ghost woman comes to visit him singing him a lullaby in creole when he walks in on her and realizing she is a ghost says screw this and walks back on out of the kitchen. Tommy arrives having shifted into Maxine Fortenberry to meet up with a man to discuss getting money from her property.

Lafayette has a dream back at his house about what happened to the ghost woman and what had happened to her and her newborn child. After he awakes he sees he standing in his living room and before he can do anything to prevent it, she takes over his body. She then goes as layette to the bellefluers where she/he takes Mikey thinking he is her son.

Eric and Sookie visit Bill and pledge their allegiance and convince Bill to let them help in his fight aginst the witches. Knowing he will not convince tm to stay out of it he reltuctantly aggrees and accepts their help. As they meet at the cemetery, Bill and Marnie agree they are not on their own. Sookie is surprised of Tara’s presence but knows what she must do. As Marnie and Bill talk negotiations Sookie hears that a spell is being cast and warns Bill. Eric takes the first actin ripping out a witches heart smiling all along then all hell breaks loose. Knowing all of this is going down Alcide runs in the aid of Sookie hearing the screams on the cemetery. Bill forbids Pam to harm Tara and she asked why he cared with his reply of she knows why. Sookie is shot into the crossfire and Eric and Bill start to run to her aid when Bill is chained in silver and Eric is put under yet another spell from Antonia. Alcide finds Sookie and runs her out of the chaos back to her house, yet little does he know Debbie followed him seeing how he is trying to save sookie after he promised to stay away from her.

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