
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

UK Version (Original) Being o Air Feb 25,2012


Being Human starts its eight-episode season 4 on Saturday, Feb. 25, and will constitute a deliberate departure from the series's origins in the powerful Mitchell-George-Annie dynamic. With Mitchell gone and George on his way out, Being Human has no choice but to embrace its fate and "take you to somewhere we've never been to before," in the words of series creator Toby Whithouse.

What's in store for our supernatural heroes? Season 4 starts with George, Annie, and their previously established vampire-hunter werewolf friend Tom dealing with the aftermath Mitchell's and Nina's death; the restless vampire community and their ruthless overlords, the Old Ones; a newborn baby the vampires think is important--to them; the threatened exposure of werewolves; a malevolent ghost; and, as always, the fundamental agony of monsters trying to live as humans.

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