We don't learn why Eric lost his memory (the specifics) outside of it being a Witch that was burnt at the stake in Spain that did it."She is channeling through Marnie. And she cast a spell on him that wiped his memory. That's really all they say, they don't actually explain what the spell is outside of referring to some old spell of Hades. The basic gist is, the Witch cast a spell on Eric.
Jason gets raped repeatedly. All the females in the clan have sex with him so they can get pregnant. He gets pissed off and escapes. When confronted by Crystal, he tells her he doesn't want to see her again. In episode 6 it's a full moon, but Jason does NOT turn into a Panter. Well at least yet. Maybe he will in episode 7, but they insinuate in 6 he won't change. The TV show and the book differ, so I can't say for sure what they plan to do with him.
They do not discuss the Fae realm in either of episodes 4-6. So I'm not sure if they re-visit it again the show
Jessica and Hoyt move further away from eachother. After Jason escapes from the were panther clan, Jessica and Hoyt come across his body(he is passed out). Jessica gives him some of her blood and he heals. But know Jessica and Jason are connected. They start to hint at the fact that Jessica is starting to fall in love with Jason. Not only is Jason having sexual dreams about her, She can sense Jason's pain (due to her blood in him). In episode 6 during the full moon she stays by his side.
They don't explain what the creepy doll is. But it stays in Arlene's place and it catches on fire. No idea if it is the doll responsible for this or if it is the baby. They hint at it being the doll as the baby sees a mysterious woman outside (posibly a voodoo witch)
Jason does not have revenge on everyone in hot shot for doing what they did to him, he wants nothing to do with them, however he does get to kill Felton when he escapes.
Bill, in his quest to get rid of Eric, lies to the AVL saying that Eric is being used as a wepon by Marnie and is very dangerous and recommends he meet his true death. The AVL grant Bill's request and he goes to stake Eric.
As Bill attempts to stake Eric, he let's him go after Eric makes a speech about that he is ashammed of who he used to be and that he was born when he met Sookie. But outside that One moment of compassion, Bill is a complete asshole in the 3 episodes.
Eric and Sookie Finally get together in the most beutiful way. It takes place under the moonlight on the grass next to the lake and unlike sex with Bill, this seems more gentle and passionate, real love making.
Wow so, the Tommy story line gets interesting. He goes back to live with his Mom, because the mom says she finally left her dead beat husband. We learn that after he left, he made her go back into the fighting ring. And she almost died. Out of no where the husband comes up and chokes Tommy with a chain (the mom had lied about leaving him). He then drags Tommy around, and treats him like a Dog on a leash. After choking him the point he passes out...he walks away and says the boy will learn to behave. Then out of no where Tommy jumps him from behind and beats him to death. The mom freaks out and tries to stop him, in his anger he kills the mother too.
Tommy asks for Sam's help, and they dump both bodies in a swamp where they get eaten by gators. Interesting enough, in episode 6 Tommy is able to shift into Sam. Sort of like how Sam's love interest said that she shifted into her mom after she died. So I think Tommy was able to shift into Sam, because he hated himself (what he did to his mom) and the emotions were so strong. Tommy then runs the bar for a day as Sam (Sam is out because he's dealing with his condos being burned down). Tommy then sleeps with his love interest (while as Sam). He also fires Sookie from her job.
Okay, in this Sundays episode, Marnie will cast a spell on Pam that makes her rot. Her flesh literally starts melting off, and she looks like a walking skeleton. Sam visits with his new shapeshifter love interest and spends time with her kids. Bill finds out he has been sleeping with his great grand daughter (Portia) and even after the fact, she wants to keep sleeping with him. So he glamours her so that she screams when she sees him.
That out of the way, Eric is ashamed of who he used to be. In episode 6 Pam and him have an emotional moment when they are in Bill's jail. Pam says: "I spent 100 years with you Eric, we traveled the world, killed, fucked. You will remember" and Eric screams: "I DONT want to remember!" .."The vampire you used to know, that's not me".
Eric is basically a new person. And he feels ashamed for what he used to be. And doesn't want to go back to his old ways.
Lafayette goes to Mexico with Jesus to meet with his grandpa who is a shaman. Jesus is very afraid of him, but he feels he can give them power to protect themselves as he is very strong. They head down there, and he makes them sacrifice an animal (a snake). They really don't show too much on their end. Just them packing up and leaving town to Mexico. Then they show a brief scene where Jesus gets bit by the snake and Lafayette is taken over by a spirit and he heals Jesus. It was interesting, but didn't really explain anything. I'm guessing they will actually talk about all this in the coming episodes (7 on up).
As far as Tara goes, her GF comes all the way down from New Orleans to visit her. She's pissed off that Tara lied about her name. She is about to break up with her, but then they start kissing. And she kind of learns about Taras life in Bon Temps. Both of them get violently attacked by Pam who is on the verge of Dying. At this point Pam is rotting all her skin off, and is pissed off at Tara. She blames Tara for Marnie casting the spell on her in Episode 4. Tara finds out that Eric is living with Sookie and that pisses her off. She calls sookie a hypocrite and talks about all the evil things Eric has done to them. Eric feels guilty about it, and sickened that he caused Sookie so much pain in suffering before.
Source: Reddit you can get the link at SpoilerTV
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